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Judge blocks DeVos from delaying special ed rule

A federal judge ruled on March 7 that U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ effort to delay a statute requiring states to remedy a racial gap in special education was illegal.

Trump administration proposes education cuts again

The Trump administration’s budget proposal for 2020, released on March 11, includes a $7.1 billion cut to the U.S. Department of Education. This is the third time the White House has sought to slash education funding. Though Congress has largely...

Chicago charter school educators win pay parity

Charter school teachers and paraprofessionals in Chicago ended their two-week strike on Feb. 18 after the Chicago International Charter School network promised to increase their salaries to the same level as educators in traditional public schools —...

Denver retreats on merit pay after teachers’ strike

Denver teachers voted overwhelmingly on Feb. 25 to ratify a tentative agreement between their union and the school district that ended a three-day strike earlier in the month.

Lessons from West Virginia strikes

Teachers in West Virginia —a “right-to-work” state with no right to collectively bargain or strike— have proven adept at defending themselves and their students against a hostile Republican administration intent on undermining public education.

Oakland teachers’ 7-day strike ends with big pay hike

Public school teachers in Oakland, California, ended a seven-day strike on March 1 with a deal to boost teacher salaries by 14 percent and improve classroom conditions.

National News

Unionized workforce sees slight decline in 2018

Slightly fewer U.S. workers belonged to a labor union in 2018 than in 2017.

House Democrats to scrutinize Betsy DeVos

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will face a new level of oversight this year with Democrats taking over the House of Representatives from Republicans who were friendlier to her privatization agenda.

West Virginia teachers face new battle

Nearly a year after their lengthy walkout resulted in better pay, West Virginia public school teachers are back on edge after the introduction of a bill in the West Virginia State Senate in late January to weaken unions and redirect tax revenue from...