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Teacher Evaluation

The following Q&A answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the teacher evaluation system for the 2022-23 school year.

FAQ for UFT members employed in the DOE’s Division of Early Childhood Education

FAQ for UFT members employed in the DOE’s Division of Early Childhood Education

COVID-related protocols

The following Q&A answers some of UFT members’ most frequently-asked questions about the city DOE's COVID-related policies covering health, safety, remote learning and absences for the 2022-23 school year.

Open Market Transfer Plan

If you want a new opportunity, wish to work closer to home or have been placed in excess, the Open Market Transfer Plan gives you the chance to apply for a position at another school. You can view vacancies citywide and apply during the open market...

Spring break 2020

The UFT’s fight with the DOE over compensation for members who worked over the 2020 spring break ended in January when an independent arbitrator ruled that UFT members will receive one vacation day for each day they worked during what should have...

Certification during COVID-19

Due to the many disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the New York State Education Department has introduced measures to provide emergency certification and alternative testing options and has extended some deadlines for educators.

UFT vaccine program

We answer some of your most common questions about immunization and the UFT’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution program for members.

Earn CTLE hours with low-cost LearnUFT courses

In July 2021, some educators will reach the end of the first five-year cycle for collecting 100 Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours from state-approved providers. This Q&A tells you what you need to know about CTLE requirements.

Q&A on Excessing

Excessing is the process of reducing staff in a particular school or office when the number of available positions in a title or license area in that school is lower than the number of people in the school who require an assignment in that title or...

Testing and promotion

With testing season fast approaching, it’s a good time to review the Department of Education’s current policies regarding testing accommodations, alternate assessments and modified promotion criteria for students with disabilities.