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Energy conservation

Ideas and initiatives to promote sustainability and environmental health in NYC schools.

Common cold

The common cold (also called viral rhinitis) is a viral infection, characterized by nasal congestion, a clear, runny nose, sneezing, scratchy throat and general malaise.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder of the hand (caused by swollen tendons in the wrist) resulting from repetitious, forceful motion of the hands and wrists.


What is allergy? Allergies are abnormal reactions to ordinarily harmless substances. The sensitizing substances, called allergens, may be inhaled, swallowed, or come into contact with the skin. Allergens that most frequently cause problems are...


What is epilepsy? Epilepsy (EP-uh-LEP-see) is a brain disorder. It occurs when the electrical signals in the brain are disrupted. This change in the brain leads to a seizure (SEE-zhur). Seizures can cause brief changes in a person's.

MRSA - Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus is a family of common bacteria. Many people naturally carry it in their throats, and it can cause a mild infection in a healthy patient. MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, but is shorthand for any strain of...


Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a fungus that can affect the scalp, skin, fingers, toenails or foot. In New York City, ringworm is not required to be reported so that the number of people infected each year is unknown.

Whooping cough/pertussis

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial illness that causes a cough lasting several weeks.

Lice (Pediculosis)

Lice are six-legged, wingless, insect parasites of humans, mammals (cattle, pigs etc.), and birds (chicken and other birds). Lice are divided into two groups: lice found on mammals, which need blood for sustenance; and those found on birds, which...

Mumps (Infectious Parotitis)

Mumps is a viral illness that causes fever and swelling of one or more glands near the jaw. Mumps is more common during winter and spring.