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Resolution on the 57th anniversary of the 1960 strike
On this, the 57th anniversary of the 1960 strike, we remember the struggles of those who came before us, and salute them for standing up for what is right.
Resolution on the 57th anniversary of the UFT
We, the current members of the UFT, say to all those who came before us “thank you” for yesterday’s efforts which enable us today to proudly celebrate our 57th anniversary knowing that the UFT has made a remarkable contribution to public education...
Resolution on the 56th anniversary of the 1960 UFT strike
As we mark the 1960 strike and 56 years of unionism, we salute the founders of this union, the union’s many leaders and the loyal members who stood up for their rights time and time again.
Resolution on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the UFT
In keeping with the UFT’s 56-year tradition, we re-commit ourselves to advocating for our members and the children and vulnerable populations whom we serve.
Resolution on the 55th anniversary of the 1960 strike by the UFT
On this anniversary of the 1960 strike, we pay tribute to our founders and other members who through courage, loyalty, dedication and painstaking work made it possible for us to proclaim proudly today our membership in the UFT.
Resolution honoring the 55th anniversary of the founding of the UFT
The UFT hereby honors this 55th anniversary of our union's founding and recognizes the members, officers and staff whose sacrifices over the years have made the union strong in the face of adversity and made it a model of effective and progressive...
Resolution on the 54th anniversary of the 1960 strike by the UFT
On this anniversary of the 1960 strike, we pay tribute to our founders and other members who through courage, loyalty, dedication and painstaking work made it possible for us to proclaim proudly today our membership in the United Federation of...
Resolution honoring the 54th anniversary of the founding of the United Federation of Teachers
The UFT acknowledges and celebrates this 54th anniversary of our union's founding, and honors the officers and members whose sacrifice over the years have kept the union strong in the face of adversity and made it a model of effective and progressive...
William (Bill) Woolfson
Like a lot of other very talented people Bill Woolfson got into teaching because the alternative was the unemployment line. When Woolfson walked into Boys HS in 1937 he was already 34 years old.
Sandra Feldman
Sandra Feldman (1939-2005), was elected in May 1997 as president of the 1.3 million-member American Federation of Teachers. She was the 15th president of the AFT and the union’s first female president since 1930. She also was elected to the Executive...