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UFT Resolutions

Resolution in support of striking Los Angeles public school teachers

The United Federation of Teachers stands in solidarity with the public school teachers of Los Angeles, and their union, the United Teachers of Los Angeles.

Resolution to support the expansion of voting rights in New York

The UFT endorses reforms to expand voting rights in New York State, including the establishment of early voting, automatic voter registration, flexibility to change party affiliation, the permanent restoration of voting rights to parolees, the consolidation of party primaries, same-day voter registration, well-designed ballots and working voting machines.

Resolution on Medicare's right to negotiate drug prices

We urge NYSUT, NEA, AFT and AFL-CIO to reiterate their longstanding position that Medicare be given the right to negotiate drug prices and that we urge Congress to make this a priority.

Resolution on offering training to chapter leaders and delegates

The UFT will support its grassroots efforts to bind the membership together by offering Delegate Assembly training to chapter leaders and delegates so they may learn how to write resolutions and use Robert’s Rules of Order.

Resolution to support New Museum employees in joining a union (UAW)

The UFT stands with the New Museum employees in their effort to organize and join UAW Local 2110.

Resolution in support of the American Federation of Government Employees during the partial shutdown of the federal governmnent

The United Federation of Teachers supports AFGE’s demands and urges Trump and Congressional Republicans to withdraw their absurd and offensive insistence on funding for an unnecessary border wall.