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UFT Resolutions

Resolution to stand in solidarity with occupational and physical therapists throughout the renegotiation of a contract with the city of New York

The UFT urges its members to unequivocally support Occupational and Physical Therapists in schools and at union events as we embark on the renegotiation of an equitable contract.

Resolution in support of racial and economic justice in New York City public schools

The UFT reaffirms its support of initiatives from organizations — including the Anti-Defamation League, Latino Justice, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Pride at Work, APALA, LCLAA, the NAACP and Black Lives Matter — that has as its goal the pursuit and preservation of social justice in our classrooms and society and urges its members to take every opportunity to promote respect and inclusion and use culturally responsive practices and instructional activities that foster equity and empower students to become conscientious citizens of the world.

Resolution to unite with organizations against the toxic political atmosphere

The UFT stands with organizations from across the political, religious and social spectrum — from the AFT, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Baptist Convention and the Archdiocese of New York, to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Lives Matter and the Anti-Defamation League — in repudiating the rhetoric of hate.

Resolution to support striking Marriott workers

The UFT stands with UNITE HERE and the striking Marriott hotel workers in their effort to fight corporate greed and advocate for fair working conditions.

Resolution to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the UFT's first strike

The UFT will never forget what happened on Nov. 7, 1960, and will commemorate it each year as one of UFT’s greatest achievements, a job action that ultimately resulted in substantial and significant improvements in public education as well as the personal and professional lives of our members.

Resolution condemning the Kavanaugh confirmation process and Trump's attack on a sexual assault victim

The UFT unequivocally condemns the Senate confirmation process as a sham since the Republican leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee has failed to evince any determination to adjudicate the truth of Ford’s claims or Kavanaugh’s fitness for the country’s highest court and have instead gone through the motions of the confirmation proceedings with the clear goal of placing Kavanaugh on the bench at all costs.