Governor Hochul proposes $110 million to strengthen child care / La gobernadora Hochul propone $110 millones para fortalecer el cuidado infantil
Read about an important proposal that impacts child care providers. / Lea sobre una propuesta importante que afecta a los proveedores de cuidado infantil.
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UFT presses city to pay up
At an Oct. 3 press conference on the steps of City Hall, UFT President Michael Mulgrew and UFT Family Child Care Providers Chapter Leader Tammie Miller demanded that the city pay 47 child care providers who lost out on two months’ payments after the...
UFT demands NYC pay childcare providers the money they are owed
UFT President Michael Mulgrew, union leaders, and the chair of the City Council Education Committee on Wednesday demanded New York City to stop stalling and pay childcare providers the more than $500,000 they are owed for caring for city children.
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Promote Your Program
We know that finding families to fill your open child care slots can be a constant challenge. All NYC family child care providers now have a free, new platform to promote themselves to more than 180,000 teachers and professionals in the UFT who may...
Provider Appreciation Awards Ceremony
More than 500 providers and guests gathered on May 10 to celebrate the role that family child care providers play in not only caring for and preparing children for school but also in stabilizing families and, by extension, the city’s economy.
Provider Appreciation Awards Ceremony 2024
More than 500 family child care providers and their guests filled Shanker Hall at union headquarters for the 11th annual Provider Appreciation Awards Ceremony on May 10. During the ceremony, more than 50 members were honored for providing exemplary service to the young children and families of New York City.
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Provider Appreciation Awards Ceremony 2023
More than 50 UFT family childcare providers received awards for chapter leadership, outstanding professional services, excellent regulatory compliance and other achievements at four ceremonies in different boroughs this spring.