2025 UFT Election Notice
See the PDF version of this notice to download and post at your school building.
Nominating Petition Deadline March 17
Officers (total 12)
President; seven (7) Vice Presidents elected at large, provided that one is from the elementary school level; one from the junior high/ intermediate/middle school level; one from the academic/comprehensive secondary level; one from the vocational/career and technical education secondary level; one from special education and one from non- NYC Board of Education members; Secretary; Assistant Secretary; Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer.
Note: Candidates for level-based officer positions must come from the respective school level.
Executive Board (total 90)
48 At-Large: Including a minimum of two from the elementary, intermediate/junior high, and high school levels and two from the functional chapters.
42 Level-based: Elementary School level, 12; Intermediate/Junior High School level, 4; High School level, 7; Functional Chapters, 19.
AFT Regular and Special Convention Delegates
750 delegates
In addition, 12 retiree delegates will be elected by the retirees as representatives for the AFT Retiree Councils.
NYSUT Regular and Special RA Delegates
750 delegates
In addition, 36 retiree delegates will be elected by the retirees as representatives for the NYSUT Election District Retiree Councils.
NEA Regular and Special Convention Delegates
59 delegates
Only in-service members employed by the NYC Board of Education may be candidates.
Three years for all positions, effective July 1, 2025.
Officers: Two years prior to the final date for nomination, March 17, 2025.
Executive Board and Delegates: Sixty days prior to the final date for nomination, March 17, 2025.
Petitions for all positions will be available at UFT central headquarters and all UFT borough offices, on the website at UFT.org, or call the UFT Election Hotline at 212-331-6310 starting on February 12, 2025.
Note: Electronic signatures will not be accepted.
The final date for the receipt of nominations is 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 17, 2025 to the UFT.
Nominations may be made by joint or individual petitions containing a minimum of 900 signatures from any UFT members. Note: Candidates using the joint petition must file a Candidate Statement with the UFT Election Committee to validate the petitions.
Executive Board
At-Large: 100 signatures from any UFT members. Only individual petitions may be used.
Level-based: 100 signatures from the respective level. Note: Candidates for level-based Executive Board positions must come from the respective school level. Only individual petitions may be used.
AFT Convention and NYSUT RA Delegates
100 signatures from any UFT member. Only individual petitions may be used.
Retiree Council Delegates: 25 signatures from retiree members. Only individual petitions may be used.
NEA Convention Delegates
100 signatures from in-service members. Only individual petitions may be used.
Balloting will be conducted by the Global Election Services. The ballots will be mailed on Thursday, May 1, 2025. Ballots will be counted on Thursday, May 29, 2025. In the event of a candidate’s disqualification, resignation, or death, the caucus Committee on Vacancies may make a substitution within three business days following the close of nominations. Petitions for the substituted candidates must have been collected during the regular petition period. To take advantage of this provision, the caucus must file with the UFT Election Committee a statement designating members of the Committee on Vacancies by Tues., March 4, 2025, to be announced in the New York Teacher. In no event may the number of candidates exceed the number of candidates for whom petitions were filed at the deadline for filing petitions.
Slate Voting
A minimum of 40 officer and executive board candidates are required for a slate designation.
Chapter leader lists will be made available to candidates upon payment of $10. The UFT will arrange to purchase space from the New York Teacher for election issues on the April 11 and May 5 papers. Camera-ready copy must be submitted to the New York Teacher by Tues. March 4 and Friday April 4 respectively.
Notice of the election will be sent to each chapter leader for posting and will be carried in the Dec. 19 and Feb. 13 issues of the New York Teacher. The Board of Education policy is to allow “rival factions” within the union “to disseminate non-inflammatory election material in employee mailboxes.” (BOE Jan. 18, 2001 memo).*
Changes in dates and procedures will be forwarded to the schools and announced in the New York Teacher.
*Memo available on UFT website.
Election Committee:
Carl Cambria, chair
Ariel Arroyo, Priscilla Castro, Patricia Crispino, Marcus Escobar, Elizabeth Espert, Dana Falciglia, Christina Gavin, Robert Greenberg, Lamar Hughes, John Lawhead, Iradies Munet, Rachel Paguaga, Migda Rodriguez, Sean Rotkowitz, Ashley Rzonca, Norman Scott, Michael Shulman, Servia Silva, Nina Tribble, James Vasquez, Veronica Wilensky-Sorkin
UFT Election Coordinator: Yasmin Colon