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Subscribe to UFT emails

Subscribe to UFT emails

See the directions below to start receiving UFT email at the email address of your choice. 

Want to subscribe or resubscribe to UFT emails?

  1. Register for a account (if you don't have one)
  2. Log in to the UFT website.
  3. Go to My Account.
  4. Click the purple "Edit" button, then scroll down to "Manage UFT messages" and subscribe.
  5. Click the "Save" button.

Want to change the email address where you receive UFT emails?

  1. Log in to the UFT website.
  2. Go to My Account.
  3. Click the purple "Edit" button, then update your email address.
  4. Click the "Save" button. 

Please note: You must use a personal email address — not a work, school or DOE-related email address — for your UFT website account.  

If you’re still not receiving emails from the UFT, your email provider may be moving them to your spam or junk mail folder so be sure to check those locations.