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Rules for working after retirement

If you are thinking of returning to work after retirement, you must adhere to some important rules to avoid jeopardizing your pension or Social Security benefits.

Happy birthday, UFT

This year marks the 60th anniversary of two milestones in the history of this union: the March 16, 1960, founding of the United Federation of Teachers and the Nov. 7, 1960, commencing of our first strike.

Activism abounds in Orlando

UFT retirees in the Orlando, Florida, section are stepping up their political activism under the leadership of a former Bronx chapter leader.

From special ed to documentary film

Retired special education teacher produces five documentaries about 34 veterans from his community in St. Augustine, Florida.

Resolution in support of improved Social Security COLA

The UFT urges its affiliates-NYSUT, the AFT, the NEA, ARA, and all of its allies in the labor and senior movements to strongly support the legislation which changes CPI-W to CPI-E as the index used to calculate the Social Security COLA.

Resolution endorsing Thomas Brown for re-election to the NYC Teachers' Retirement Board

The UFT endorses Thomas M. Brown for re-election as a teacher-member of the Teachers’ Retirement Board of the City of New York for a three-year term beginning in 2020.

Special call center handles retiree needs

When it comes to retirees and meeting their needs, the UFT doesn't let any grass grow under its feet.

Keeping up to date

Here's a new word as defined by Merriam Webster: Listicle — noun: an article consisting of a series of items presented as a list.

Sharing her love for birds

Retiree Miriam Rakowski knows just how to brighten up the monotone greys and blacks of the winter months in New York City. Follow her to Central Park with a pair of binoculars and cheer up with sightings of bright red cardinals, majestic blue jays...

Nevada group hits jackpot

Political activism is the most outstanding characteristic of the Nevada section of the Retired Teachers Chapter.