How to calculate your gross annual salary using your paycheck
- Add together the recurring gross, recurring education differential and recurring longevity differential that appear on your paychecks.
- Divide the total by 14 (for the number of calendar days).
- Multiply that amount by 365 (366 during a leap year).
How to understand your paycheck
There are three components that make up the gross annual salary for nurses:
- Base plus experience differential
- Education differential
- Longevity differential
Consult the nurses’ salary schedule to find your pay rate and longevities »
Here are two examples of salaries under our new contract.
Effective September 1, 2014 – nurse with an MA and six years’ experience
$57,632 Base plus six years’ experience
2,749 Education differential (MA)
903 Longevity differential (five years)
$61,284 Total gross annual salary
Effective September 1, 2014 – nurse with an MA and 22 years experience
$60,236 Base plus 10 years’ experience
2,749 Education differential (MA)
15,128 Longevity differential (22 years)
$78,113 Total gross annual salary
Hourly Pay Rate (for hourly employees)
The formula for calculating the hourly rate shall be 1/1213 of the annual salary.
Annual salary + education differential + longevity divided by 1213 = hourly rate