Do you swear to tell the truth?
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott’s refusal to testify under oath at a recent City Council hearing on the education budget came, sadly, as no surprise.
Giving birth is not a sickness
A profession such as teaching with such a strong female presence should have a more progressive manner of dealing with pregnancy and birth.
Great speech and hearing celebration
Thanks to the Speech Improvement Chapter for a wonderful Better Speech and Hearing Month Celebration on May 13.
Bitter about SESIS
SESIS reimbursement is a victory for the UFT , but the DOE's entire SESIS endeavor leaves a bitter taste.
Mayor’s budget credibility problem
We’re all coming together — members of all the unions in the Municipal Labor Committee — for a rally on June 12 outside City Hall to tell the mayor enough is enough.
Our sensitive mayor
Since coming into office nearly 12 years ago, Mayor Bloomberg has come across as impervious to criticism and often arrogant in his assurance that he is always right. Lately, though, he has been a little thin-skinned.
TV ad a positive endeavor
We are vilified by the public every day because of misinformation.
‘Renewed faith’ in UFT
A short time ago, I wrote an email informing UFT Vice President Carmen Alvarez of the difficulties I was having in regards to getting paid for my SESIS work.