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For Your Information

High school seniors may apply for Shanker scholarships

High school seniors have until Dec. 31 to apply for the UFT’s $5,000 Albert Shanker college scholarships.

Earn CTLE hours with low-cost LearnUFT courses

In July 2021, some educators will reach the end of the first five-year cycle for collecting 100 Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours from state-approved providers. This Q&A tells you what you need to know about CTLE requirements. 

Get holiday discounts with UFT membership

The UFT app, NYSUT and AFT provide members-only discounts from merchants on travel, apparel and much more. 

Union members get free legal plan

There is now another reason it pays to be a UFT member. The union has negotiated a free legal service plan for members only. The program gives UFT members access to an attorney who can answer legal questions, write letters on their behalf, review documents and prepare a will.

New option for getting maintenance drugs

The UFT Welfare Fund prescription drug benefit has been enhanced. In-service members who are eligible for UFT Welfare Fund benefits now have a new convenient option for picking up their long-term medications for chronic conditions such as high cholesterol or asthma.

High school seniors may apply for Shanker scholarships

Do you work in a high school? Make sure high school seniors in your school apply for a $5,000 Albert Shanker college scholarship.