Pension for paraprofessionals
Pension and TRS membership for paraprofessionals
Contract 2023: Pay increases
See more information about timetables for pay increases, bonuses and retroactive pay for the 2023 contract.
Resolution to support New York City paraprofessionals’ fight for a living wage and fair contract
The UFT shall educate its members about the significant implications of the Paraprofessionals and Education Support Staff Bill of Rights and the Preparing and Retaining All (PARA) Educators Act, emphasizing the potential benefits for...
Contract ratified by wide margin
The union’s new contract with the city Department of Education was ratified with 75 percent of the vote, the union announced on July 10. The more than 95,000 UFT members who cast ballots was the largest in UFT history.
Other Professional Work (OPW) and List of Activities Appendix F 2023
On Tuesdays when school is in session there will be a 40-minute block for Other Professional Work activities as set forth in Section D of this Article. (2023 MOA) Amend Article 6B1d to include: Add the following to list of OPW activities: IEP...
New contract ratified overwhelmingly
UFT members overwhelmingly ratified a new contract with the city Department of Education that gives members a compounded 7.7 percent pay raise over 43 months, UFT President Michael Mulgrew announced at Teacher Union Day on Nov. 4.
Using the tools in the contract
Putting power in the hands of members in the schools was the theme of a panel discussion at the UFT’s Queens borough office on Jan. 30. The panel featured 11 chapter leaders, representing every district and grade level in Queens, who discussed how...