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Measures of Student Learning

Students enter our classes at different levels of learning. That’s why teachers are evaluated on their students’ progress, rather than on passing rates, which cannot capture the good work we do with students.

Measures of Teacher Practice

In the Measures of Teacher Practice component of the teacher evaluation system, teachers engage in a cycle of observation, feedback and reflection with their principal or other evaluator.

Commonly used terms in evaluation

Learn about commonly used terms in evaluation and what they mean.

Local control, when it suits them

Republicans have railed for years against federal intrusion in state government — and especially public education.

A fox guarding labor’s henhouse

Each Trump nominee for a cabinet post has a public record of opposing the work of the agency he or she would oversee or has a financial stake in business regulated by the agency.

Testimony regarding bullying, harassment and discrimination in NYC schools and protecting LGBTQ and other vulnerable students

UFT Vice President for Career and Technical Education Sterling Roberson testified before the New York City Council Committee on Education regarding bullying, harassment and discrimination in NYC schools and protecting LGBTQ and other vulnerable...

Resolution in support of the NAACP's call for a charter school moratorium

The UFT affirms and supports the NAACP’s position on the grounds that, until charter schools embrace the same challenges that public schools face, the NAACP is right to call for a moratorium on their expansion.

English Language Learners (ELL) Complaint Form

This complaint form, for use by educators, parents and other concerned individuals, will ensure English language learners (ELLs) receive the services and supports they need to succeed. Tell us why you feel students are not receiving required...

Wellness Programs and Initiatives

The mayor's Office of Labor Relations and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene have launched WorkWell NYC, an initiative designed to support New York City employees in getting and staying healthy.

Resolution for sensible placement of counselors and social workers in excess

The United Federation of Teachers will work with the Department of Education to change the rotation system so that guidance counselors and social workers in the ATR pool will be assigned to schools for a sufficient period so that they can continue to...