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Resolution in solidarity with Orlando

The United Federation of Teachers will proudly support and march in the 2016 Pride parade with our brothers and sisters in honor and memory of the Orlando victims.

Special education key links

On this page you'll find links to frequently requested information about special education.

CTLE requirements

Professionally certified teachers and Level III certified paraprofessionals are required to collect a total of 100 professional development hours, now called Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours, by a state-approved provider such as...

Science vs. Stuff you believe anyway

More than 850 New York City high-need schools have the space today to meet the state’s class size limits

With the new state budget mandating that New York City make smaller class sizes a priority, UFT President Michael Mulgrew identified 856 high-need city schools with space to reduce class sizes this September.

Testimony on the Close to Home Program

Patricia Crispino, District Representative for District 79, delivered testimony before the New York City Council Committee on Children & Youth’s oversight hearing on the Close to Home program.

Reduce Class Sizes

Albany passed a law to reduce class sizes in all New York City classrooms by September of 2028. The DOE is now doing all it can to avoid implementing the law. It won't be easy, but if we come together we can get it done.

The UFT and Federation of Nurses/UFT highlight state health department's failure to enforce state safe-staffing law

The UFT and the Federation of Nurses/UFT accused the state health department of failing to enforce the safe staffing law passed by the legislature nearly three years ago.

Types of SBOs and sample ballots

The following are some examples of the SBO modifications that you and your colleagues can make to the collective-bargaining agreement or Department of Education regulations.

I am a paraprofessional and I was arrested, what happens next?

Paraprofessionals who have been arrested will no longer be automatically suspended without pay, under the DOE’s updated policy, to resolve the UFT’s union-initiated grievance that challenged the unfairness of automatic suspensions. Paraprofessionals...