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Endangered Animals and the Fur Trade

This unit will provide information concerning the hunting and trapping of animals and how this has led to extinction and endangerment of some species. Alternatives to the use of animals for fur will also be explored.

The Great Apes

The unit will enable students to identify great apes and the similarities they share with humans as well as differences. Students will learn about the family and social structures, behavioral characteristics and physical needs of these highly...

Research that Advances Human Health Without Harming Animals

This unit will aquatint students with some of the Medical Research Modernization Committee's concerns about the scientific value of animal research. It will also suggest a variety of non-animal methodologies that could be used as alternatives to...

Award-Winning Student Projects

The following projects won humane science awards at New York Academy of Sciences annual student expos.

Testimony regarding oversight of EarlyLearn NYC

Jeffrey Hoffman, the director of child care policy at the UFT, testified before the New York City Council Committee on General Welfare regarding the oversight of EarlyLearnNYC, the city's contracted child care system.

Get Involved

Parents and educators are the experts on what New York City's children need to get a great education. That's why the UFT has worked hard over the years to ensure that parents have a voice at their child's school and in the school system.

At Your School

The best place to get informed and involved is your local school. The principal at your school is ultimately responsible for addressing any concerns you may have. But, in addition to working with your principal, there are other ways to gather...

Legislature blunts worst of Cuomo’s initiatives

Despite a $13 million advertising campaign, hedge-fund executives were unable to engineer the passage of an education tax credit for wealthy donors or an increase in the statewide charter cap in the state legislative session that wrapped up on June...

Governor gets a beachfront bashing

More than 250 protesters converged outside the East Hampton beachfront estate of hedge-fund billionaire Dan Loeb on July 11 as those inside dined at a $5,000-a-plate fundraiser for Gov. Andrew Cuomo.