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Member Assistance Program’s Let’s Talk About It

More than 200 Queens middle school students gathered at the Queens County Farm Museum for the fourth annual Let’s Talk About It event sponsored by the UFT’s Member Assistance Program.

NYC Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT conference

Members of the New York City Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT gathered to find out best practices in the teaching and learning of multiple world languages and cultures at only the second in-person event the committee has held since the...

NYCATA/UFT Dreams Art Show

Works of art by 22 UFT members, both active and retired, were showcased at the New York City Art Teachers Association/UFT's Dreams Art Show on Staten Island on May 10.

Sending 'happy mail'

A 4th-grader teacher in the Bronx sends "happy mail" to let her students know that their hard work and effort is noticed and appreciated.

School's out!

We made it through another year.

UFT Academic High Schools Awards

Successfully fighting off a charter school co-location. Reviving a program that teaches high school students how to swim. Creating a WhatsApp chat to connect librarians around the city. These are just a few of the achievements of the exemplary...

‘Co-creating learning’

Teacher Kristen Rush of the HS for Public Service in Brooklyn was awarded for Excellence in Education at this year's Academic High School Awards for her ability to better engage students in her English curriculum by incorporating their insights into...

Agents of ‘change’

In March, educators at Maxine Green HS for Imaginative Inquiry in Manhattan received word that their school would close in June. Winning the Academic High School Division's Team High School Award, said the chapter leader, was "a fitting end to the...

Our power is in our members

A chapter leader on their own can only do so much. The power of our union is in all of its members. That has been provided by the work of our Chapter Action Teams.

Getting reading down to a science

UFT President Michael Mulgrew oversaw a panel of UFT Teacher Center literacy district coaches who discussed the progress and pitfalls of Phase 1 of the rollout of new phonics-based literacy curricula in 15 New York City districts.