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Dignity for All Students (DASA) training

Training in how to prevent or intervene in harassment, bullying, cyberbullying and discrimination in schools

Only teachers and school-related professionals applying for NYS certification must take this state mandated six-hour workshop.

New DASA Workshop

Sunday, March 16, 2025
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

This is a virtual event

Register Now

This workshop meets the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) training requirement of the NYS Education Department for state certification. Enrollment is limited to 50 participants.

The UFT offers this workshop to its dues-paying members for a $50 fee for pedagogues (teachers, guidance counselors, PTs/OTs, school secretaries, etc.) and a $25 fee for paraprofessionals. Members may pay via credit card once they have registered online. Non-members who register will pay $100 by credit card or money order only (no personal checks) once they have completed their online registration.

All fees, payable to the UFT, are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Please check the New York Teacher for any additional workshops or possible schedule changes. For further information, call 212-701-9413.

The goals of this workshop are to:

  • Understand the intent components, and operational definitions of the Dignity Act
  • Develop sensitivity to the experience of specific student populations
  • Understand how school climate and culture have an impact on student achievement and behavior
  • Understand bullying, harassment and discrimination, including indicators, early warning signs, prevention and intervention and how to interact with families of victims and aggressors
  • Understand diversity and multi-cultural environments and examining your own biases.
What is DASA training?

The Dignity for All Students Act mandates that anyone applying for a New York State teaching license or certificate after December 31, 2013 complete six hours of training on harassment, bullying and discrimination in schools.

Is there a deadline for completing DASA training?

The deadline for completing DASA training depends on the expiration date of your certificate; you must complete your training before applying for a new certificate.

If I already hold state certification but am applying for a new certificate, do I need to complete DASA training?

Yes. If, for example, you are a professional certificate holder and want an additional certificate, you will need to complete DASA training for your additional certificate.

How can I fulfill DASA training requirements?

You must complete six hours of coursework from a provider approved by the New York State Education Department. You can find a list of approved providers at the NYSED website. The UFT is an approved provider and offers this course in its borough offices; see the UFT Courses page for dates, times and registration information.

Upon completion of the workshop, the provider will give you a copy of the Certification of Completion. In addition, the Certification of Completion form will be electronically reported to the State Education Department within 21 days of workshop completion by the provider. If you do not see that the workshop is recorded in TEACH after 21 days of the workshop date please contact us at (212) 701-9413.

Who needs to complete DASA training?

School professionals (teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, psychologists and social workers) who are applying for state certification must take this six-hour course. This includes members who are applying for new certificates (for example, paraprofessionals going from a Level 1 to a Level 2 or 3).

Members who meet the following criteria do not need to take the course: a) permanently or professionally certified; b) hired prior to 2004; c) Level 3 certificate holders (paras) and applicants for certification prior to Jan. 1, 2014.

If you are not sure if you require this workshop, contact the UFT certification department at 212-331-6311.