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Plan details and coverage

Coverage for eligible members begins on their first day of employment, provided the member has enrolled in a timely manner.

Enrolling and updating information

Learn how to enroll and update your information.

Resolution to fight for keeping Social Security and Medicare in their present forms in the fiscal year 2016 federal budget

The UFT joins with the AFT in calling attention to the current threat to the hugely successful and important Social Security and Medicare programs and stands ready to fight any attempt by the current majority leadership of the House and Senate to...

Resolution in support of the New York Health Act to establish single-payer health insurance in the state

The United Federation of Teachers strongly supports the New York Health Act as a way to improve public health, boost the state’s economy and ensure that the basic right of quality health care is enjoyed by all New Yorkers.

Resolution to Support President Obama and the Senate Democratic Majority

WHEREAS President Obama and the Democratic majority of the U.S. Senate have refused to consider extortional proposals to defund the Affordable Care Act in order to fund the government and to raise the debt ceiling limit, RESOLVED that the UFT urge...

Protecting the Future for Retired Americans

The members of the Retiree Chapter of the UFT resolve to embark on a “each one reach one teach one” program by contacting at least two fellow retirees and/or seniors among family, friends or neighbors to inform them of the deleterious effects of...

My spouse and I participate in a Medicare Part D drug plan. If either or both of us hit the catastrophic portion of this coverage, can we submit a claim for reimbursement to the UFT Welfare Fund?

Yes, you and your spouse are both eligible for reimbursement of your catastrophic co-payments under your Medicare Part D coverage. Each of you individually has to reach the annual catastrophic limit; your totals cannot be combined. Claims must be...

I had surgery and now I am being billed for the anesthesia because HIP rejected the claim. Can I file with the Fund for payment?

Yes, the Welfare Fund pays 80 percent of reasonable and customary charges when the benefit is not covered by HIP PRIME for in-service members. To file for payment, you need to complete a Welfare Fund anesthesia claim form and attach an itemized paid...

Is there a cap on the Welfare Fund reimbursement for prescription appliances for HIP subscribers?

Yes, this benefit is capped at $1,500 a year and $3,000 for a lifetime.

I just purchased a prescription appliance and HIP rejected the claim. Can I submit this claim to the UFT Welfare Fund?

Yes, the Welfare Fund will reimburse for certain covered appliances for in-service members that meet our medical advisor’s and HIP guidelines. The benefit pays 80 percent of reasonable and customary charges after a $25 annual deductible per person.