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Handling your return

The best way to manage stress is to identify the causes of your stress and determine what is within your control and what is not.

MAP Substance Use FAQs

MAP offers confidential support around addiction with a trained professional who can assess mental health and substance use issues and provide specific recommendations for your treatment. Read our FAQs to learn more about getting treatment.

MAP Substance Use Questionnaire

If you are questioning your relationship with alcohol or other drugs, you are not alone. Use this questionnaire to reflect on your use of substances.

Let’s Talk About It

The union's Member Assistance Program has created a wellness workshop series, Let's Talk About It, led by a licensed clinician, for members to share their experiences and learn new coping and healing skills.

Social media tips

Social media can be a positive or a negative force in your life, depending on how you use it. Scheduling social media time, sticking to your purpose and thinking twice before posting are some of the ways to help avoid the harmful consequences.

Healthy habits

Healthy habits can be a way to maintain your own sense of control and well-being and keep your immune system strong in a world where many things seem out of control. Among the things to consider doing each day are taking a multivitamin, eating...

Dementia care during COVID-19

Caring for a loved one with dementia is challenging at any time, but even more so during the pandemic. Here are tips and resources to help.

Domestic violence and COVID-19

While working remotely can help to reduce the spread of COVID-19, staying home is not a safe option for survivors of domestic violence. The first step when confronting domestic violence is to create a safety plan.

UFT has your back as you begin your career

This fall, as we begin a school year like no other, you will face many challenges, but you are not alone. The UFT is here to protect your rights and support you in your new career.

MAP’s student support initiative a ‘virtual’ success

"Let’s Talk About It,” a UFT Member Assistance Program (MAP) initiative designed to educate and support students around addiction and mental health, had an additional challenge this year: helping students deal with the emotional toll of the...