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Environmental health workshops

The UFT Health & Safety committee offers environmental health workshops to our members on staff development days, extended days, at union meetings, and in other forums. The topics we are available to discuss are listed below. If you would like to have one of these workshops offered to your school, please call the UFT at 212-331-6311.

Environmental Health Workshops

  • ABC of Safety & Health Guidelines for Paraprofessionals
    The goal of this presentation is to introduce participants to an overview of the guidelines on health and safety for paraprofessionals, giving participants a basic understanding of a variety of subjects.
  • Asthma
    This workshop provides an overview of the following topics: statistics of asthma rates, how to recognize triggers and symptoms of an asthmatic person, how to control and prevent an asthma episode, and the importance of having an Asthma Action Plan.
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
    This course provides information on bloodborne diseases (i.e. HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C), how bloodborne diseases are transmitted in the work setting and the requirements of the OSHA/PESH bloodborne pathogens standard. These requirements include annual training, implementing universal precautions and a cleaning and disinfection program and providing the Hepatitis B Vaccine, personal protective equipment such as gloves, and access to soap and water.
  • Communicable Diseases
    This course provides information on microbes, modes of transmission, prevention and universal precautions in the school setting. Communicable diseases are reviewed (i.e. H1N1 influenza, fifth’s disease, meningitis, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, lice, ringworm, etc). The role of the school nurse and the health department policies are also discussed.
  • Emergency Preparedness
    This course brings awareness to types of workplace emergencies that might arise at your school or place of business, basic components of emergency preparedness planning, why workers and their unions should be involved in emergency preparedness planning and evaluating your school/district emergency preparedness plan.
  • Ergonomics for the Paraprofessional
    This course identifies specific work tasks, risk factors and their impact on the body including repetitive stain injuries, back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders. Methods of prevention such as proper lifting and transferring techniques and assistive devices are discussed. This course is offered to paraprofessionals working with medically fragile or non-ambulatory students. Best practices for diapering and toileting students are also covered.
  • Injury Prevention and Workers Compensation
    Paraprofessionals, school nurses, occupational therapists and physical therapists are covered by Workers’ Compensation. Examples of workplace injuries and assaults in the school setting and methods of prevention are discussed. The course outlines the steps to take to when workers have a workplace injury, accident or illness to make sure their rights and benefits are protected.
  • Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines
    Solutions to health concerns are not as simplistic as most reports would have us believe. It’s not necessary to “go for the burn” in exercise or to restrict one of life’s greatest pleasures all the time — eating the foods we enjoy — to make healthful lifestyle decisions.
  • Pest Control
    This workshop provides information and guidance on how to prevent pest infestations, components of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, the protocol for dealing with pest infestations and the protocol for bed bugs.
  • Chapter Leader Safety and Health Overview
    This workshop provides an overview of a number of health and safety issues including communicable diseases, bloodborne pathogens, indoor air quality issues, construction and renovation protocols, ergonomics, workers' compensation and ILOD (Injury in the Line of Duty).