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SAVE Legislation

It is very important that all members are familiar with the SAVE legislation that governs safety and orderliness in New York's public schools. SAVE stands for Schools Against Violence in Education and is the legislation that mandates school safety plans. These plans must incorporate all of the components of the SAVE legislation including normal procedures, emergency procedures, student removal processes, and detailed processes for handling students who are significantly disruptive and interfering with the education of their peers.

The Regional Superintendent's designee monitors compliance with SAVE legislation. All staff members should receive a copy of their school's SAVE plan and processes. Ideally, the plan will be discussed at the year's first professional development sessions in September and recurrently throughout the school year. The legislation itself also mandates that professional development on its various components -- student removals by teachers, suspensions by a principal, etc. -- be offered to staff and your school's safety plan requires the school safety committee to designate a specific time for staff development on safety issues. These professional development sessions should be on-going and all members of the school community should understand clearly the process for Student Removals and Suspensions by a Principal as well as the "ladder of referral" for disruptive students.

For more information, see this FAQ and this summary of the SAVE legislation's components.