Invest in Career and Technical Education (CTE)

CTE programs are a vital bridge between education and industry, offering students hands-on learning experiences that lead to in-demand careers in expanding fields. From robotics and forensics to cybersecurity, agriculture, and nursing, these programs prepare students for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
CTE Has Proven Results
- New York City's CTE graduation rate in 2024 was 91% compared to 83% for traditional high schools.
- The graduation rate for black NYC students in CTE programs was 5 points higher than in traditional high schools, 85% vs 80% in 2024.
- The graduation rate for Hispanic NYC students in CTE programs was 12 points higher than in traditional high schools, 89% vs 78% in 2024.
What we are asking
- Add S528/A3430 to the final budget. This bill would increase the per-pupil funding cap in Special Services Aid to $4,100 per participating student and allow 9th-grade students to enroll in these programs.
- Create clear career advancement pathways for LPN’s to obtain their master’s degree so they can build a pathway to HS nursing programs.
- Incentivize colleges and industries to provide hands-on CTE experiences for HS students.
- Support a recruitment and retention campaign in partnership with NY state to promote teaching and nursing as desirable careers.
These investments will enable high school students statewide to gain skills and training to set them on a path to sought-after, well-paid careers, regardless of whether they join the workforce after high school or continue on to college.