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April 20, 2023

Chapter Leader Update Snapshot
Jonathan Fickies

SAVE OUR SCHOOLS: Students, staff and parents from West Side HS and Brownsville Academy HS, both transfer schools, came to DOE headquarters on April 18 to deliver letters to the schools chancellor opposing the relocation and colocation, respectively, of their schools.

This Week's Focus

Join our final push to block charter school expansion

With negotiations on a state budget wrapping up, Gov. Kathy Hochul continues to push her proposals to reissue zombie charters (from closed schools) and lift the regional charter cap. We need to let our state representatives know we are counting on them to stand with public schools. So far, we’ve sent more than 2,100 emails asking them to do the right thing. We need to keep up the pressure, so please send your state reps our updated email asking them to oppose the inclusion of the governor’s proposal to expand New York City charter schools as part of the final budget agreement. Our message is clear: Allowing more charter schools in New York City will drain resources and take away valuable space from our public schools.

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Organize contract leafleting outside your school next week

On Monday, to kick off our Week of Action, the UFT will release the powerful results of our all-member survey on how we spend our time at the workplace. Next week, we will hand out fliers with the survey results to members of our communities and ask them to join our fight for a fair contract. Please work with other members of your school’s Contract Action Team to choose at least one day between Tuesday and Friday next week for members to leaflet outside your school. Fill out this online form to let us know which day(s) and times your chapter selects. In our digital toolkit, you will find a leafleting shift sign-up sheet to organize your members for leafleting. The flier with the survey results will be added to the toolkit by Monday, April 24, at noon. 

Come to the Spring Education Conference — and earn CTLE hours

Organize a group of members from your school to attend the Spring Education Conference, our premier conference of the year that celebrates, supports and inspires our work as public school educators. We’ll gather at the New York Hilton Midtown on Saturday, May 20, from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Participants can earn two CTLE hours by attending two of the five timely and relevant workshops. The choices are Autism in the Classroom: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Behavioral Management; Digging into Data: Using "Street Data" to Advance Equity for All Students; Media Literacy in the Age of Algorithms; Mindfulness through Your Senses; and Naturopathic Program: To a Holistic Approach. Guests will also enjoy a town hall at breakfast, an exhibit fair where CTE students show off their skills, a chance to win raffle prizes, and a gala luncheon with surprise guests. If you register by May 1, the early-bird special is $40 per person. After May 1, the registration fee is $50. There is an additional cost of $30 per CTLE hour for teachers and $15 per CTLE hour for paraprofessionals and other UFT members who attend workshops for credit. School Leadership Team members may draw on funds allocated to the team to pay for registration fees by using their school purchase order. For detailed instructions on how to pay by purchase order, see the UFT Purchase Order Memo

Register Now

Chapter Leader Checklist

To Do #1
Post the new Paraprofessionals Chapter election notice on your bulletin board

Advise the paraprofessionals at your school to check their mail for their official UFT ballot for the special chapter election. The American Arbitration Association mailed ballots this week to members’ homes. The deadline for the receipt of ballots at the American Arbitration Association is Wednesday, May 24. Ballots will be counted on May 25. Please post this updated election notice, which was mailed to your school this week, on your UFT bulletin board. For complete details on the positions to be filled, the process for requesting a duplicate ballot and more, see the Paraprofessionals Chapter Election 2023 section on the UFT website.

To Do #2
Check to see if your chapter is 100% union

One of your primary responsibilities as a chapter leader is to ensure that all UFT-represented staff become dues-paying union members. Go to the Chapter Leader Hub at least once a month to check your school’s Member/Non-member Report. This report now lists the job title of each employee. Ask your payroll secretary to give you a heads up when there is a new hire so you can welcome them and ask them to enroll in the UFT by completing the online union enrollment form or by filling out a paper enrollment card. If you don’t have any enrollment cards, please ask your district representative for more.

To Do #3
Celebrate your school secretaries next Wednesday

Next Wednesday, April 26, is Administrative Professionals Day. Take the time to recognize the school secretaries and administrative professionals at your school and thank them for everything they do.

To Do #4
Remind colleagues to explore the new Member Hub

Similar to the Chapter Leader Hub, the Member Hub places member-specific and other key information right at the member’s fingertips. Members can update their contact information, sign up for workshops, explore their benefits, view their claim status and do more in this personalized hub. Use the same username and password you use to access the UFT website. Chapter leaders can access both the Chapter Leader Hub and the Member Hub from the same main webpage.
Log in to the Member Hub

To Do #5
Last chance to nominate your chapter for a Trachtenberg Award
The Ely Trachtenberg Award honors UFT chapters and their leaders who show strong member engagement and advocacy. The deadline to nominate your chapter is Friday, April 28.

To Do #6
Fliers to share with your members
Here are fliers you can print and distribute in member mailboxes or post on your school’s UFT bulletin board.

Hub Highlights

Access a digital copy of the UFT Chapter Leader Handbook

The Chapter Leader Hub contains a digital version of the Chapter Leader Handbook. The detailed table of contents links directly to the guidance, regulations, information and processes you rely on as a chapter leader to represent your members. Remember, you can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.  

Enter the hub

Work in progress

The UFT is working on the following issues with the DOE and other city, state and federal-level entities as appropriate:

  • Lobbying to block Gov. Kathy Hochul’s plan to expand charter schools in New York City 
  • Pushing the DOE to come up with an appropriate plan, including professional development, for the rollout of its new ELA and algebra curricula. 
  • Working with the DOE on the plan it must submit to the state on how it will implement the state class-size law.  
  • Working with the DOE to finalize the 2023-24 school calendar.

You Should Know

Contract Empowerment & Enforcement

Discuss SBOs with your members
A school-based option (SBO) gives school staff the opportunity to collaboratively modify certain contractual work rules or to create positions not automatically allowed under the contract. The principal or the chapter leader may propose an SBO. If you haven’t already, it’s time to begin discussing possible SBOs for next school year with your chapter and your principal. SBO voting, however, will not begin until the DOE finalizes the 2023-24 school calendar and the two sides sign off on an extension of the current “pilot” workday pending a new contract. If your chapter would like to recreate an SBO or implement a new SBO, you can discuss the possibilities with chapter members, consult with your principal and conduct an informal survey to gauge whether the chapter wants to ratify any proposed SBOs. Remember, a principal cannot force the chapter to hold an SBO vote. Chapter leaders should only conduct an SBO vote for a modification that their members want. For an SBO to pass at the school level, at least 55% of the UFT members who vote must support the modification. All SBO voting is conducted through the secure Election Buddy online voting system only. If you have questions, contact your UFT district representative.

Medical & Wellness

Optical benefits for union members
As members of the UFT Welfare Fund, DOE-employed UFT members and their covered family members are entitled to one optical service once every two years. These optical benefits entitle members to one pair of eyeglasses and an accompanying eye exam, or to contact lenses. Please remind your members of this valuable benefit. Members can confirm their eligibility online, and then visit or schedule an appointment with an optical provider.
Learn more

Salary & Personnel

Apply for a summer school position
The DOE is now accepting applications for summer school positions. The Summer Rising 2023 program is open to all students in grades K-12 who wish to attend. Teachers will receive mandated pre-service training on June 29 and June 30, and instruction, from Monday through Thursday, will begin on July 5. Once you have reviewed the job posting for your job title, you can apply via the DOE’s Summer Rising online application system. All Summer Rising applicants must re-register on the website as a new user. Retention rights will be honored for all positions. The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 18.
Open Market Transfer Plan period has begun
  The Open Market Transfer Plan offers pedagogues, as well as paraprofessionals, access to job openings across the city. From April 19 to Aug. 8, UFT members do not need a release from a principal to change schools. They can view vacancies and submit online applications via the DOE website during the open market transfer period. Under the plan, individuals can apply for all vacancies for which they are appropriately licensed. There are only a few vacancies posted so far since many principals wait to post openings until after school budgets are released. As principals create vacancies in their school’s Galaxy budget system, they are added to the DOE website throughout the transfer period, which ends on Aug. 8. UFT members may also apply to schools without current openings. We suggest you follow up your digital applications by mailing a hard copy to the school or sending a PDF via email to the school. The Open Market Transfer Plan Q&A on the UFT website offers more information about the process.
Chapter 683 positions open now
The DOE has released its job postings for the Chapter 683 summer program for students in District 75 and is now accepting applications. Staff will receive mandated pre-service professional development and orientation on Monday, July 3, and Wednesday, July 5. Instruction begins for students on Thursday, July 6, and ends on Aug. 15. Once you have reviewed the job posting for your job title, you can apply via the Chapter 683 Application System. The deadline to apply is May 17. 
Members on leave must notify DOE of plans by May 15
UFT-represented employees who are currently on leave must notify the DOE about their plans for next school year by Monday, May 15. If a member fails to notify the DOE about their plans or fails to apply for a leave extension by that date, the DOE will view that member as having voluntarily resigned from their position. The UFT and the DOE have been sending emails to these members telling them to take care of this matter. UFT members with questions should call the UFT at 212-331-6311.

Everything Else

Save the date for the UFT Invitational Golf Outing
Tell your members to save Monday, Oct. 9, for the UFT’s annual golf outing to benefit the UFT Disaster Relief Fund. This year, the event is at the Douglaston Golf Course in Queens. You can register as an individual, a twosome or a foursome. In addition to a hot breakfast and a gala luncheon, we'll have competitions, raffles and a hole-in-one challenge worth $25,000! Golfers receive a limited-edition polo shirt, branded bags, beverages throughout the day, and much more. Look for the invitation to register in your email inbox. 
Celebrate the UFT Academic High School Awards on May 5

Come applaud the exceptional work of UFT members in academic high schools at the annual Academic High School Awards on Friday, May 5. The party starts at 5 p.m. in Shanker Hall at UFT headquarters. The union will recognize educators for individual and chapter/school academic excellence and union activism. This year’s awards also pay tribute to parents, elected officials and community members who ensure a solid collaboration between a high school and its community. Award categories include Team High School, Excellence in Education, Community Champion and Outstanding Union Activist. Place the event flier on your UFT bulletin board.

Register now

Ride virtually with the UFT

Tell your members about the UFT Peloton Riders as we take our first virtual team ride. We clip in at 7 p.m., on Tuesday, April 25, for a 20-minute-ride using #UFTPedalPushers. If you want to make it a more meaningful experience, make a donation to the UFT Prom Boutique, which helps provide formal wear to New York City students for their special day. A donation to the boutique is not required to join the ride.

Register Now

Help graduating students celebrate prom in style
Prom season is fast approaching, and the UFT wants to make it a memorable day for our students. The UFT Bronx borough office is hosting a Prom Boutique from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, for graduating middle and high school students citywide. Please ask your members to donate new or gently used formal wear, as well as ties, shoes, evening bags, hair accessories and new unused makeup. You can drop the donations off at your UFT borough office. Members can also make an online donation. Do you have students who might benefit from the Prom Boutique? Teachers and school counselors must register their students in advance and chaperone their students on the day of the event. When registering, please be sure to download the UFT photo release form and collect the forms before the event. For more information, contact the UFT prom team at or see the 2023 Prom Boutique flier.
Deadline for BRAVE video contest extended to May 5
The deadline for student submissions for the UFT’s annual BRAVE video contest has been extended from Wednesday, April 19, to Friday, May 5. Please alert middle and high school teachers that there’s additional time for their students to showcase their creativity while combating bullying and intolerance. For details, call the BRAVE program at 212-701-9412 or visit

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