Nov. 2, 2023

FOR THE UNION MAKES US STRONG: Teacher Union Day concluded with a tribute to the late UFT founder George Altomare, who was renowned for singing “Solidarity Forever” with his guitar at the close of countless union events. With the lights dimmed and cell phone flashlights shimmering in the darkness, attendees sang along to a video montage of Altomare’s many performances of the song.
This Week's Focus
The next Delegate Assembly is Nov. 15
Use the operational issues process to resolve more workplace issues
In accordance with the new DOE-UFT contract, the Paperwork and Operational Standards have been updated and expanded to include these important new rights and protections for UFT-represented educators:
- SBOs: Chapter leaders may now use the operational issues resolution process to resolve a problem with the implementation of an approved school-based option.
- Responses to texts and emails: The standards now state that educators and related service providers must have a reasonable amount of time to respond to administrative communications; educators cannot be required to respond to email/texts outside the contractual workday or during instructional time.
- Pivot to remote: The standards set limits on what administrators can require employees to do in their digital classrooms.
- Visits to evaluate a school or a principal: Educators cannot be compelled to create and prepare documents for the sole purpose of a quality review or any other school evaluative visit, such as a principal’s performance review. Also, educators cannot be required to produce documents that are not readily available for such visits.
- Functional chapter PD: Every UFT functional chapter must have a citywide functional chapter PD committee to review, consider and develop professional development programs that are relevant to the respective chapter’s duties and are reasonable to prepare and complete within the chapter’s existing workday.
- Staff Development Committee: Each school (and program functioning as a school) must form a school-based Staff Development Committee by Nov. 1 that serves as an instructional leadership team in consultation with the principal. This committee not only discusses the PD during the PD block, but all school-specific professional development conducted at the school.
See this PowerPoint presentation created by the union’s Contract Empowerment Department for a detailed account of the operational issues process and the updated standards. Here is the 2023-24 labor guidance on paperwork and operational issues that the DOE recently sent to principals. If you have questions, please contact your UFT district representative.
Using the operational issues process to quickly address school-level workplace issues is a great way to organize and empower your chapter. Go to the Chapter Leader Hub to file an operational issues complaint the day you attempt to resolve the issue with your principal through a one-on-one conversation, an email or your UFT consultation committee. From that day, your principal has five days to rectify the issue. If the issue remains unresolved, the issue may be escalated to the district committee. If unresolved at the district level, a central committee will attempt to resolve the issue.
Contract gets results on oversized classes
Your hard work reporting oversized classes in September has paid off: The large majority of oversized classes have been brought below contractual limits and every grievance about excessive class sizes has now been resolved. These results were achieved thanks to a powerful provision negotiated as part of the 2018 DOE-UFT contract that involves the superintendent in the class-size resolution process and empowers an arbitrator to require a principal to provide relief to teachers in schools that are chronically out of compliance (defined as having not complied with contractual class size limits for at least four of the past six years).
The 198 classes at 27 schools that remained oversized on Oct. 5 (Day 20) went straight to arbitration. All but one of those 27 schools are chronically out of compliance. In accordance with the contract, arbitrators heard all the cases by Oct. 26 and had five days from the date of the hearing to issue a decision to give these teachers some relief. The final decisions were issued today. Here are some of the remedies that arbitrators imposed (or that were agreed to at the school level and the arbitrator memorialized): relief from one or two Circular 6 assignments each week, an additional prep period, an additional teacher or paraprofessional pushing into the affected classes or relief from one Monday PD per month.
Bring joy to a child by donating a new toy
Almost 120,000 New York City public school students lacked permanent housing last year — nearly one in nine children — a record high. Share this season of joy by providing a toy to a student in need. Donate an unwrapped, new toy for newborns to children, 16 years of age. We’re offering three options to make it easier for you to donate to make sure no child goes without a gift this holiday season:
- Donate an unwrapped, new toy at the Nov. 15 or Dec. 13 Delegate Assembly or at a UFT borough office through Dec. 15
- Make a monetary donation via PayPal
- Select an item online while shopping and have it shipped to the UFT at:
Elementary Schools Division
52 Broadway, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Honoring past and future leaders at Teacher Union Day
More than 1,500 UFT members celebrated past, present and future union leaders on Teacher Union Day at the New York Hilton on Oct. 29 by mourning founder George Altomare on the anniversary of the union’s first strike and honoring the school-based Contract Action Teams, the union’s chief negotiator and other activists who are carrying on Altomare’s legacy. UFT Treasurer Debra Penny received the Charles Cogen Award, the day’s highest honor. “It’s the humanity she brings to her job at all times,” said UFT President Michael Mulgrew in presenting the award to Penny. “She’s just a person who never stops caring.” The Jules Kolodny Award went to Manhattan Borough Representative Carl Cambria for his stellar leadership of the 500-member UFT Negotiating Committee. The UFT bestowed the Ely Trachtenberg Award on 88 chapter leaders and their chapters for exemplary service. See photos from this year’s event.
Students of NYC
We recently launched Students of NYC where New York City high school students share their stories. Across our school system, under the guidance of NYC public educators, our students are doing incredible things for themselves and their communities. We need to amplify their stories so that people know when public education is attacked, these are the young people who are affected most. Our students hold a truth that counters the narrative that others try to impose. Their stories prove that public schools, students and educators are not failing — we are succeeding despite all the challenges placed in our way. Please follow Students of NYC on Instagram and read our students’ stories. If you know a high school student you’d like us to consider, fill out this submission form for consideration. Students can be of any level of academic achievement.
Chapter Leader Checklist
To Do #1
Have you submitted your consultation committee summary?
Your consultation committee summary for your October meeting with your principal is due next week. Please submit your summary via the Chapter Leader Hub.
To Do #2
Have teachers in your school completed the literacy curriculum survey?
If you work in one of the 16 community school districts selected by the DOE to start using one of the three new core literacy curricula this fall, please remind teachers in your school to fill out the curriculum survey we sent to them on Oct. 23. Together with the DOE, the union designed this survey to find out what curriculum materials, training and support teachers have received (or not) to date. The survey responses will help us advocate for teachers to get the necessary resources and support as quickly as possible to ensure a successful transition.
To Do #3
Invitation to Nov. 15 DA coming soon
As your school’s elected union representative, your participation at Delegate Assembly meetings is a crucial part of the UFT policymaking process. Look out for your email invitation. Bring donations of NEW winter coats, sweaters, scarves, mittens, gloves and hats ranging in size from toddler to adult to the Nov. 15 Delegate Assembly. If you have any questions, please contact Jeannette Noriega of the UFT Middle Schools Division at We are also starting to collect new children’s toys for our annual holiday toy drive at the same DA.
To Do #4
Consider attending parent association meetings
Our close work with parent groups has forged strong bonds that benefit both our students and our members. Consider attending your school’s PA meetings to strengthen these ties.
To Do #5
Reminder: Election Day PD is fully remote
Professional development on Election Day will be remote for all school-based staff this school year. Principals cannot require staff to report to schools on Nov. 7. Please notify your UFT district representative if your principal is requiring staff to come in or offering in-person professional development as an option.
To Do #6
Fliers to share with your members
Here are fliers you can print and distribute in member mailboxes or post on your school’s UFT bulletin board.
Hub Highlights
Access all the DOE and union forms you need
When a member asks you for an enrollment form for the UFT Welfare Fund or the form to apply for a FMLA leave of absence, visit the Chapter Leader Hub. We’ve assembled the forms you most often need in one easy-to-access location. Remember: You can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.
Work in progress
The UFT is working on the following issues with the DOE and other city, state and federal entities as appropriate:
- Seeking to resolve the dire paraprofessional shortage, especially in District 75.
- Finalizing responses to the first round of questions on the joint Q&A on the Special Education Committee process and compliance issues.
- Finalizing the agreement for the bilingual license incentive.
- Building the virtual learning program established in the contract.
- Reviewing and revising the A+ course options for teachers working toward their MA+30 salary differential.
- Working with the DOE to disseminate various types of guidance discussed in the contract.
You Should Know
Contract Empowerment & Enforcement
New contract guidance on school secretary PD
School secretaries asked for more and better professional development, and the UFT prioritized that topic in its advocacy for these members. The union worked with the DOE to provide pre-service training for new school secretaries so they could start the year with a knowledge base. Some gains specifically for school secretaries in the 2023 contract are:
- When a school secretary is granted approval to participate in online training, the secretary must be provided with appropriate time and space (outside of the main office, if the secretary so chooses) during the workday to participate in the training.
- The DOE and the UFT will establish a labor management committee to plan training for secretaries on the programs and platforms that secretaries use in their daily work.
- The DOE will provide uniform, systemwide training on Election Day (see item below in Salary & Personnel) and on a day in the spring.
Teachers to get their MOSL selections on Nov. 15
The DOE will determine teacher-level Measures of Student Learning (MOSL) selections by Friday, Nov. 10, and notify teachers covered by the Advance evaluation system of their MOSL selections on Wednesday, Nov.15. Chapter leaders should review the key dates and reminders in the DOE’s Advance at a Glance for this school year.
Virtual learning application for high schools now available
The School-Based Virtual Learning program established in the 2023 contract gives high schools the opportunity to offer virtual learning courses to interested students. The online application is now available, and high school principals have until Friday, Nov. 10, to apply. High school chapter leaders should check in with their principal to find out if the school will apply. If the DOE approves a school’s application, high schools may begin programming virtual courses in the spring term. The new contract allows programming virtual courses as part of a teacher's schedule within the regular school day, as part of a modified teacher schedule (such as before or after school or on weekends), or as an extra class for pro rata pay. Virtual courses must be posted and cannot be assigned to teachers who do not apply. Learn more about the program and members’ rights and responsibilities in the 2023 Memorandum of Agreement (starting on page 14).
Are classroom issues overwhelming your tenured teachers?
Partners in Progress: Peer Intervention Program (PIP) is a collaborative program between the UFT and the DOE to provide pedagogical and professional support to tenured teachers who want assistance. PIP is a voluntary program that offers confidential one-to-one support from experienced, specially selected educators who will create and implement an individualized professional development plan for you. Tell teachers they can find more information, including an online application to request assistance, in the PIP section of the UFT website. If interested teachers have questions, they can call 212-844-0600. Chapter leaders can request a presentation about the program for their members.
Medical and Wellness
Wellness workshops for social workers and psychologists
The UFT’s Member Assistance Program in collaboration with the union’s Social Workers and Psychologists Chapter is presenting a series of wellness workshops for members of that chapter this fall. These two-hour sessions offer two Continuing Education credits per class and cost $25 each. The final two workshops in this series are Trauma in the Body on Monday, Nov. 6, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Monday, Nov. 13. Both start at 5 p.m. Go to each registration form to read a summary of the workshop.
Politial Action
Vote on Election Day on Nov. 7
Polls are open on Tuesday, Nov. 7, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. You can also vote early this Saturday, Nov. 4, and Sunday, Nov. 5, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. See the candidates endorsed by the UFT in this election. Also, in solidarity with our fellow New York State United Teachers members who work in small cities upstate, we are recommending a “Yes” vote on Proposition #1 on the Nov. 7 ballot. The passage of Proposition #1 will put the state’s small cities on equal footing with rural and suburban districts with respect to school funding. Read about the four contested City Council races in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens that the union is focusing on.
Salary & Personel
Election Day PD for school secretaries
The DOE has designed professional development on Election Day for school secretaries that is relevant to the specific work they do. Ask your school secretaries to register for this virtual session via the registration link sent to their DOE email address. Let them know that for security reasons, the registration link is unique and should not be shared. And assure them that the UFT continues to advocate for professional development that contributes to their professional growth and supports the work they do in their day-to-day responsibilities.
Election Day PD on safety for chapter leaders and deans
The DOE’s Office of Safety and Youth Development will host virtual safety classes on Nov. 7 for chapter leaders and deans. Chapter leaders should speak with their principals to obtain the registration links for the designated school staff to attend. Topics will range from school safety to emergency readiness. If you have any questions, please reach out to your borough’s UFT safety liaison.
Election Day PD for paraprofessionals
The UFT has advocated for suitable professional development for members in the different titles it represents. On Nov. 7, we hope all paraprofessionals will register for our virtual Election Day PD specifically for paraprofessionals. The day will start at 8:30 a.m. and run until 3 p.m. UFT Teacher Center instructors will conduct sessions on paraprofessional rights, understanding the IEP and reading comprehension. Paras earn two CTLE hours for attending.
Special Education
Watch new video on school-based special education training
The new contract requires all school staff to receive training on special education rules and regulations each fall before or on Election Day. Chapter leaders and principals were invited to attend a 90-minute webinar on Oct. 23 that was presented jointly by UFT and DOE representatives. The interactive webinar demonstrated how to present the joint special education training at schools. Principals and chapter leaders who were unable to attend the webinar that day can see the presentation and watch a recording of the webinar. Schools with a dedicated block each week for PD must hold the training in person on Monday, Nov. 6, if the training has not yet taken place. Schools with a six-hour and 50-minute workday must conduct the staff training remotely on Election Day.
Everything Else
Together, we helped raise awareness about breast cancer
In October, we marked Breast Cancer Awareness Month by celebrating survivors, paying tribute to loved ones and colleagues we have lost, and raising money for breast cancer research, advocacy and patient services. See the New York Teacher coverage of the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks and Go Pink Day. We want to thank all of you who sent photos or tagged the union on posts to your own social media accounts.
Recent Guidance and Agreements
- DOE guidance on paperwork and operational issues 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE Library Services Guidance 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE School Allocation Memo, No. 16, 2024 (June 2023)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2023-24 (July 2023)
- DOE Health Guidance 2023-24 (September 2023)
- DOE-UFT Memorandum of Agreement (June 2023)
Contact the UFT
- DOE members, call 212‑331‑6311.
- DOE functional chapter members, call 212‑331‑6312.
- A health benefit question? Call the Welfare Fund at 212‑539‑0500.