Jan. 18, 2024

GETTING ANSWERS: Sandy Wong, the chapter leader at PS 30 in the Bronx, asks a question about assessments during the question-and-answer period at the union’s Delegate Assembly on Jan. 17.
This Week's Focus
Engage your chapter in our Fix Tier 6 campaign
Here is the Fix Tier 6 PowerPoint presentation that UFT President Michael Mulgrew made at this Wednesday’s Delegate Assembly. Please present it at your next chapter meeting to inform your members about the issue and engage them in our campaign. While having a guaranteed pension is a tremendous benefit, we are pushing state lawmakers in Albany to make key changes to Tier 6, including lowering the retirement age and improving how the final average salary is calculated. Also, make sure everyone in your chapter has joined our Fix Tier 6 campaign (the QR code to join is in the presentation). Remember, never give any pension advice to members; if they have personal and specific pension questions, direct them to a UFT pension consultant.
If you would prefer to have a pension expert from the UFT make this presentation for your school chapter, please fill out this online request form. We will do our best to accommodate as many requests as we can.
Ask George for quick answers in the hub
Starting in mid-February, George, our new Member Hub guide, will be available 24/7 on the UFT Member Hub to provide DOE-employed UFT members and retirees with answers to the most frequently asked questions. Our union reps and agents are still available during regular work hours to answer complex questions that require more time and expertise. But for simpler questions, George — named after George Altomare, one of the union’s founders — is available whenever members need assistance, and with mobile access from wherever they are. George can answer members’ straightforward questions about union membership, salary, UFT Welfare Fund forms, leaves and pension consultations, freeing up your time as chapter leader to focus on organizing and connecting with your members.
Assist paraprofessionals with certification problems
The city DOE recently sent termination notices to paraprofessionals who have not completed their certification requirements. Please tell these paraprofessionals to carefully read the notice for next steps and then log in to their TEACH account on the State Education Department’s website to find out what they are missing. Paraprofessionals who received a termination notice because they lack college credits can apply between Feb. 1 and March 31 for the summer semester of the Career Training Program. The program pays tuition for three to six credits per semester for undergraduate study at participating colleges and universities. Participants also are given 2½ hours per week of release time and/or a summer stipend to support their studies. Paraprofessionals who have received a notice of termination and have specific questions should contact UFT certification specialists Monica Christie or Jeremiah Bornemann at 212-331-6311. Paraprofessionals with questions about CTLE requirements can find more information on the State Education Department’s website.
Assist pedagogues with certification problems
The city DOE recently sent termination notices to teachers, school counselors, school social workers and school psychologists who have not completed their certification requirements for their professional or permanent state certificates. These members should log in to their TEACH account on the State Education Department’s website to determine their next steps to become fully certified. Pedagogues can find more information on the State Education Department’s website as well as the certification section of the UFT website. Pedagogues who have received a notice of termination and have specific questions should contact a UFT certification specialist at 212-331-6311.
Three pension bills signed in December
In December, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law three state bills that incrementally improved UFT members’ pension benefits. The first bill provides for the automatic enrollment of eligible employees in the New York City Board of Education Retirement System (BERS). Going forward, all substitute teachers and substitute paraprofessionals will be enrolled in BERS. They can then transfer that service credit to TRS if they are appointed full time in the future. The second bill provides an increased death benefit for in-service members who are over age 60. If these members die while still working, their beneficiaries will now receive up to 20% more. The final bill allows city and state workers who accidentally joined two pension systems to retire under the pension system that best suits them. Before this bill, a city lifeguard who forgot he had joined the New York City Employees’ Retirement System and later had a long career as a teacher would have had to retire with a much smaller NYCERS pension. Now, that person can retire under TRS.
Chapter Leader Checklist
To Do #1
Remind members to submit Teacher’s Choice receipts
Friday, Jan. 19, is the deadline for members to submit a Teacher’s Choice accountability form along with their receipts for all eligible Teacher’s Choice purchases for the current school year to the school’s payroll secretary. If a member received Teacher's Choice funds and does not submit this form by the deadline, the DOE will take back the money.
To Do #2
The contract’s next pay increase takes effect today
A 3% pay increase in the 2023 contract takes effect on Jan. 18. Members will see the money in their February paychecks. Our Contract 2023 FAQs on pay increases has answers to common questions about eligibility, pensionability and taxes related to this money.
To Do #3
Do you have substitute teachers filling long-term vacancies?
As part of the 2023 contract, we finalized new guidance with the DOE to ensure that eligible per diem substitute teachers serving in long-term positions receive the higher pay rate and benefits to which they are entitled. If you have substitutes currently filling long-term vacancies who have not been moved to the Q bank, send the sub’s information to Michael Sill, the UFT director of personnel, payroll and special projects, at msill@uft.org
To Do #4
Remind teachers about the fall term deadline for observations
Teachers at your school should have half of their observations by Monday, Jan. 29, which is the last day of the fall term. If they have not had half of their observations by this date, they can file an APPR complaint on the UFT website. They can receive an observation report from a fall observation during the spring term, but no further observations may take place in the spring term until after they’ve received those written reports.
To Do #5
Shine a spotlight on an impressive new teacher at your school
We want to showcase the great things happening in New York City public schools and honor UFT members’ accomplishments. Does your school have a teacher in their first three years on the job who is already leaving their mark on your school? Is one of your new teachers using skills they honed in a prior career to benefit New York City students? We are looking for dynamic new teachers to feature in the Building Your Career section of the New York Teacher and on social media.
Nominate a teacher
To Do #6
Fliers to share with your members
Print and distribute these fliers in member mailboxes or post on your school’s UFT bulletin board.
- UFT African Heritage Committee's Awards Dinner Dance
- UFT Women’s Committee film “Periodical”
- UFT Middle School Division's Hamilton Scavenger Hunt
- 2024 CTE Impact on Achievement Conference
- Fight budget cuts (different languages)
- Right to shelter
- Fix Tier 6
- Apply to be a teacher leader
- UFT Early Childhood Conference
Hub Highlights
See your school's SBOs on the hub
Chapter leaders can see the approved school-based options for their schools. The record will include the SBO ballot and the results of the SBO vote. Look for the link to your school’s SBO report at the top of the Chapter Leader Hub, next to your school’s reports for grievances and COPE. All approved SBOs as of 2022-23 are stored in the Chapter Leader Hub, making it a valuable historical record. Remember, you can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.
Work in progress
The UFT is working on the following issues with the DOE and other city, state or federal entities as appropriate:
- Identifying and fixing any programming issues that remain in elementary schools.
- Implementing the provisions in the 2023 contract pertaining to paraprofessionals.
- Preparing the first cohort of high schools to launch the virtual learning initiative in the spring semester.
You Should Know
Attend a two-part workshop on supporting newly arrived students
This is the last chance to attend a two-part virtual series on supporting newly arrived immigrant students and families for CTLE credit. The NYU Steinhardt School is offering, at no cost, the first session on Monday, Jan. 22, from 3 to 6 p.m., and the second session on Monday, Feb. 5, from 3 to 5 p.m. Participants will gain an understanding about newly arrived students’ previous educational experiences and learn how schools can prepare for, engage with and support newly arrived immigrant families living in temporary housing. UFT members must take both sections to earn five CTLE credits, but they may attend either section for no credit.
Political Action
Submit written testimony on mayoral control
The state law granting the mayor control of New York City public schools is up for renewal in June. The New York State Education Department has been holding hearings on mayoral control in each borough (the final hearing is on Staten Island on Monday, Jan. 29). If you aren’t testifying in person, please consider submitting written testimony about why we need to revamp this law. Written electronic testimony must be submitted by 5 p.m., on Wednesday, Jan. 31. In your written testimony, clearly state your position on mayoral control; voice your desire for a Panel for Educational Policy not dominated by mayoral appointees; and explain why you believe the system needs real checks and balances.
Salary & Personnel
Apply to become a teacher leader
Teachers may apply to become a teacher leader for the 2024-25 school year. The 2014 DOE-UFT contract created instructional leadership roles for teachers that provide additional compensation for their time and commitment (a $7,500 stipend for model teachers and a $12,500 stipend for peer collaborative teachers) and year-long professional learning. Peer collaborative teachers support their colleagues through mentoring or coaching, intervisitation initiatives, collaborative teacher teams and designing meaningful opportunities for professional growth. Model teachers create a welcoming classroom environment in which teachers can continuously and collaboratively reflect, grow, and explore innovative instructional strategies. Visit the Teacher Career Pathways website for more information about becoming a teacher leader, including eligibility. The application deadline is April 1. For questions, email teacherleadership@schools.nyc.gov.
Apply for lead teacher assistant positions by March 31
The DOE is accepting applications from paraprofessionals for the lead teacher assistant and bilingual lead teacher assistant special education positions for the 2024-25 school year. This annual position for in-service, full-time paraprofessionals enables them to play a more diverse role supporting student needs in the classroom and school. Lead teacher assistants support instruction in the classroom under the supervision of the classroom teacher. This position allows paraprofessionals to enhance their skills and can serve as a pathway to a teaching career.
If hired in one of these positions, the paraprofessional will receive compensation of $5,000. Paraprofessionals revert to their title and base salary at the end of the school year unless they are rehired in the new position. This position is available to full-time paraprofessionals who hold a bachelor’s degree and a state teacher assistant certification (Level I, II or III). The deadline to apply is Sunday, March 31. For more information, read the Lead Teacher Assistant Q&A for paraprofessionals on the UFT website or see the DOE’s Lead Teacher Assistant posting.
Winter pension workshops
The UFT Pension Department offers virtual workshops throughout the school year to help members understand their pension benefits. All workshops take place from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Upcoming workshops include Medicare and Turning 65 on Thursday, Jan. 25; Money Moves about financial wellness, on Tuesday, Jan. 30; Health Benefits at Retirement on Tuesday, Feb. 6; Tier 4: Pension Milestones, Final Average Salary and CAR Days on Thursday, Feb. 15; and Tier 6: Pension Milestones, Final Average Salary and CAR Days on Thursday, Feb. 29.
Special Education
Upcoming deadline for centrally funded Special Education Intervention Teachers
If you have a centrally funded Special Education Intervention Teacher at your school, please remind them that they must submit benchmark data on at least eight students to central facilitators through established platforms by Thursday, Feb. 1, or risk losing funding for the position in the new school year.
Find the latest guidance on students with disabilities
The students with disabilities section of the UFT website has comprehensive, up-to-date information about working with students with disabilities in New York City public schools. Check out what’s new in special education as items are added on a regular basis. Stay turned for a new feature on the latest research on special education.
Everything Else
Come to the UFT African Heritage Committee’s Awards Dinner Dance
In celebration of Black History Month, you are invited to join the UFT African Heritage Committee for its 20th annual Awards Dinner Dance on Friday, Feb. 2, from 7 p.m. to midnight, at Antun’s Queens Village, located at 96-43 Springfield Blvd. This year’s theme is “Harlem Renaissance.” In addition to awarding scholarships to graduating seniors, the committee will confer its Trailblazer Award on UFT Political Director Vanecia Wilson, the Frederick Douglass Award for Civil and Human Rights on Assemblyman Khaleel Anderson and the Mary McLeod Bethune Award for Teacher Excellence on Elaine Haynesworth Neville, the chapter leader at PS 279 in Brooklyn. The cost per person is $110. To register, please download and print this flier and return it with payment. For additional information, contact Wendy Walker Wilson, the committee chair, at wwilson@uft.org.
Register for our Black History Month Film series
As we commemorate Black History Month in February, the UFT invites you to a virtual film screening and discussion on five Thursdays in February and March at 4 p.m. You can register for a single film or for as many as you’d like. On Feb. 1, an installment of “High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America”; Feb. 8, film to be determined; Feb. 15, “Stamped from the Beginning,” a documentary based on Ibram X. Kendi's bestseller that examines the history of racism in the United States; Feb. 29, “Rustin,” a biopic about the civil rights leader Bayard Rustin; and March 7, an installment of "Ladies First: A Story of Women in Hip-Hop."
Recent Guidance and Agreements
- DOE guidance on paperwork and operational issues 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE Library Services Guidance 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE School Allocation Memo, No. 16, 2024 (June 2023)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2023-24 (July 2023)
- DOE Health Guidance 2023-24 (September 2023)
- DOE-UFT Memorandum of Agreement (June 2023)
Contact the UFT
- DOE members, call 212‑331‑6311.
- DOE functional chapter members, call 212‑331‑6312.
- A health benefit question? Call the Welfare Fund at 212‑539‑0500.