Feb. 1, 2024

BUILDING CALM AND FOCUS: Academy Award winner Goldie Hawn, the founder of the social-emotional learning program MindUP, met with the staff of PS 152 in Woodside, Queens, during a tour of the program at their school on Jan. 24.
This Week's Focus
Mulgrew calls for more state school aid in budget testimony
In state budget testimony in Albany this Thursday, UFT President Michael Mulgrew said the governor's proposed change to how foundation aid is calculated will end up shortchanging city students. The smaller increase Gov. Hochul proposed for New York City schools, coupled with the expiration of COVID-19 federal aid, "will result in massive gaps for community schools, 3-K, preschool special education and mental health services unless the state provides additional support," he said. Mulgrew also called for changes to the mayoral control law to help restore necessary checks and balances to the system. Referring to the recent State Education Department public hearings on mayoral control, he told the state lawmakers, "The overwhelming sentiment of stakeholders at these hearings is the need to reform what has become one-man rule of the city's public schools." UFT members will speak to lawmakers about these and other union legislative priorities when they travel to Albany for Lobby Day on March 11.
Fix Tier 6 webinars scheduled
If you have not yet given the Fix Tier 6 presentation at your chapter meeting and would prefer to have a pension expert deliver it to your members, we will present a Fix Tier 6 webinar on Feb. 13, 14, 26, and 27 at 4:30 p.m. for you and your members. At each webinar, a UFT Pension Department representative will make the Fix Tier 6 PowerPoint presentation delivered at the January Delegate Assembly and answer questions about the campaign. Please note: This webinar is to educate members and encourage them to get involved in the campaign to lobby state lawmakers to improve Tier 6 pension benefits. Members who want to learn about their pension benefits should sign up for one of the Pension Department's regular pension clinics.
To invite your members to sign up for this presentation, you can use this pre-populated email invitation.
Invite paraprofessionals to attend this year's awards luncheon
Encourage paraprofessionals from your school to attend the Paraprofessionals Annual Festival and Awards Luncheon and come with them! This year's event takes place at the New York Hilton Midtown on Saturday, March 23, from 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. The conference’s theme is "Superheroes of Education: Celebrating our Paraprofessional Powers." The keynote speaker, Dr. Gloria Boseman, a registered nurse and board member of the New Jersey Center for Collaborative Nursing, will deliver a powerful message on caring for underserved communities. In addition to the awards ceremony, the event offers breakfast, CTLE workshops on a range of relevant topics, a carnival with games and prizes, a bag full of wellness freebies, a chance to win raffle prizes and a luncheon. Plus, we'll feature a special performance by paraprofessional James Burris, aka Petawane, a three-time Showtime-at-the-Apollo winner. The registration fee is $25 per person. Paraprofessionals who want CTLE hours will pay an additional fee of $7.50 for each workshop attended. School Leadership Team members may use funds allocated to the team to pay for registration fees by using a school-generated event purchase order. For detailed instructions on how to pay by purchase order, see this UFT purchase order memo. Please place the event flier on your UFT bulletin board.
Chapter Leader Checklist
To Do #1
Next weekend training for new chapter leaders is March 2-3
New chapter leaders are invited to join us at the Sonesta White Plains Downtown on Saturday, March 2, and Sunday, March 3, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., for the third part of our four-part chapter leader training series. Chapter leaders will attend workshops on end-of-year decisions. New chapter leaders should try to attend all four training sessions, but if you missed Part 2, you are still welcome to attend Part 3.
To Do #2
3% pay hike in paychecks this month
Members will see the money from the 3% pay increase that took effect on Jan. 18 in their February paychecks. Our Contract 2023 FAQs on pay increases has answers to common questions about eligibility, pensionability and taxes related to this money.
To Do #3
Do you have substitute teachers filling long-term vacancies?
As part of the 2023 contract, we finalized new guidance with the DOE to ensure that eligible per diem substitute teachers serving in long-term positions receive the higher pay rate and benefits to which they are entitled. If you have substitutes currently filling long-term vacancies who have not been moved to the Q bank, send the sub’s information to Michael Sill, the UFT director of personnel, payroll and special projects, at msill@uft.org.
To Do #4
Fliers to share with your members
Print and distribute these fliers in member mailboxes or post on your school’s UFT bulletin board.
Hub Highlights
The UFT Knowledge Base has the answers!
Chapter leaders have access to the UFT Knowledge Base, a deep and extensive repository of information, in the Chapter Leader Hub. This searchable database supplies the answers to many of your members' questions about their rights and benefits as UFT members. Whether it is confirming the process for accessing a UFT Welfare Fund health benefit or getting correct information about retention rights, the UFT Knowledge Base has the answers. Remember, you can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.
Work in progress
The UFT is working on the following issues with the DOE and other city, state or federal entities as appropriate:
- Discussing with the DOE the ongoing substitute teacher shortage.
- Preparing for the implementation of the new reading curriculum in Phase 2 elementary schools next school year.
You Should Know
Earn credits toward your salary differential with the UFT
UFT members who are teachers have the opportunity to earn three A+ or P credits toward their salary differential and 45 CTLE hours in the area of English language learners through the union. The UFT is offering two online graduate-level courses designed for New York City teachers: Language, Culture and Learning for English Language Learners on Tuesdays starting on Feb. 6 or on Wednesdays starting on Feb. 7, and Methods of Teaching Language and Literacy for English Language Learners on Sundays starting on Feb. 4 or on Thursdays starting on Feb. 8. Teachers can also use the courses toward state certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. But hurry! Classes start next week. They run through May or June, depending upon the course. Read about these classes and other CTLE offerings at LearnUFT on the UFT website.
Free curricula for grades 6-12 English language learners
Bridges to Academic Success offers free curricula and professional learning to support newly arrived English language learners in English and math. The Bridges program, geared towards grades 6-12, is supported by the New York State Education Department. Orientations in the new curricula are given monthly, and both the teacher and the administrator must attend together. The next orientation is Thursday, Feb. 15, from 2 to 3 p.m. For more information and to reserve your spot, please email info@bridges-sifeproject.com. See the flier for details about sessions and final dates for this school year. CTLE credit is available.
Medical and Wellness
MAP’s podcast addresses holistic health habits
In the latest episode of the Member Assistance Program’s Brewing Wellness podcast, Dr. Pina LoGiudice, a naturopathic doctor and co-founder of the Inner Source Health clinic, discusses the connection between our physical health and lifestyle habits. Learn how you can feel better and have more energy. Subscribe to the Brewing Wellness podcast on your favorite streaming provider and don't miss any upcoming episodes.
Political Action
Lobby Day in Albany is slated for March 11
Tell your district representative if you or others in your school are interested in participating in UFT Lobby Day in Albany on Monday, March 11. Together, we will encourage state lawmakers to increase funding for public schools, revamp mayoral control, fix Tier 6 of the pension system and support the rest of the union’s state legislative agenda. Remember, once they have registered for Lobby Day, UFT members must obtain approval from their principal. Please make sure that members understand that anyone who formally registers for Lobby Day but does not attend must report for work or use a sick or personal absence day. If you have any questions, please contact your district representative or your borough’s political action coordinator.
Salary & Personnel
Tax deduction for educators is $300
Eligible educators can deduct from their federal income taxes up to $300 of unreimbursed expenses from 2023 for books, supplies, computer equipment (including related software and services), other equipment and supplementary materials they use in the classroom, according to the IRS. If you are married, filing jointly and both spouses are educators, you can deduct up to $600, but not more than $300 each. For courses in health and physical education, expenses for supplies are qualified expenses only if they are related to athletics. The educator-expense deduction is an “adjustment to gross income” so you can use it whether you use the standard deduction or itemize on your tax return. To be eligible for this deduction, you must work at least 900 hours during a school year at a school that provides elementary or secondary education as a teacher, instructor, counselor, principal or aide. You should keep documentation, such as receipts, for any deductions you take. Unionized employees may no longer deduct their union dues on their federal tax returns following the overhaul of federal tax law in 2017, but union members in New York State can deduct the full amount of union dues from their state taxes if they itemize deductions on their state tax return. If you are not sure whether you are entitled to a deduction, or you have any other questions regarding your tax returns, consult a tax adviser.
Everything Else
Last chance to apply for a Shanker scholarship
Each year, the UFT awards $1 million in undergraduate and graduate scholarships to academically excellent and financially eligible students from New York City public schools. High school seniors have only a few weeks left to apply for a $5,000 Albert Shanker Scholarship. The process is easier than ever with our new online portal. Candidates must be financially eligible and accepted into a full-time, matriculated, degree-granting program at an accredited college or university. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, Feb. 28.
20th annual UFT School Counselor Conference on March 16
Please encourage the school counselors in your school to attend the 20th annual UFT School Counselor Conference at union headquarters on Saturday, March 16, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The theme of this year’s conference is School Counselors: Inspire, Empower, Embrace. The day will focus on the support school counselors provide to students. The conference allows counselors in different schools to network with each other as well as take professional development workshops. Misha Thomas, a therapeutic crisis intervention trainer and a founding contributor of the Sanctuary Institute, will return as the keynote speaker.
Recent Guidance and Agreements
- DOE guidance on paperwork and operational issues 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE Library Services Guidance 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE School Allocation Memo, No. 16, 2024 (June 2023)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2023-24 (July 2023)
- DOE Health Guidance 2023-24 (September 2023)
- DOE-UFT Memorandum of Agreement (June 2023)
Contact the UFT
- DOE members, call 212‑331‑6311.
- DOE functional chapter members, call 212‑331‑6312.
- A health benefit question? Call the Welfare Fund at 212‑539‑0500.