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Chapter Leader UpdateMay 16, 2024

Erica Berger

A BOOK BONANZA: Wang Yiwen and her daughter select books at the May 11 book giveaway at Graphic Communication Arts Educational Campus. The event was organized by First Book, the AFT and the UFT to celebrate the 10th millionth book given by First Book to families and educators nationwide.

This Week's Focus

Educate and activate around class size

We had a productive Chapter Action Team meeting on May 14 on educating and organizing our chapters and families around implementing the class size law. We want to change the negative narrative around lowering class size and make sure the staff and families at our schools are ready to be involved in this process so our students can benefit from this important law. 

Please schedule a consultation committee meeting with your principal in the next week to talk about the issues that your school faces in its journey to implement the new class size caps. How many more rooms would you need to come into compliance? What are your specific staffing needs? On Friday, chapter leaders will receive an email with a link to a class size consultation survey in the Chapter Leader Hub, where they can report on the results of that conversation with the principal. The survey questions can help you frame the conversation.

Step two is to educate the staff and families a t your school about the class size law. Please take the PowerPoint presentation shown at the CAT meeting and present it at a class s ize teach-in for staff and families before the end of the school year. Please send photos of your teach-in to Also consider testifying on class size at the Contracts for Excellence hearing for your borough in late May. 

See the class size resources

Important SBO update

The UFT and the DOE have agreed to four new pre-approved school-based options for the 2024–25 school year. The DOE has also released its session time memo and city guidance on the contractual workday and all 14 pre-approved SBOs. Now you have everything you need to move forward with the SBO process at your school.

The four new SBOs are:

  1. A six-hour-and-45-minute instructional day with additional professional development and another remote parent-teacher conference.
  2. In-person PD (no students) paired with half-day afternoon parent-teacher conferences.
  3. Departmentalization of core subjects in 4th and 5th grades.
  4. In-person September and/or May parent teacher conferences in exchange for additional remote Other Professional Work.

Your school’s vote for all proposed SBOs must be conducted on the same day, using the online platform Election Buddy. Schools with session time SBOs should hold their SBO vote before June 11, the deadline that the DOE set for principals to submit their session times. The SBO vote deadline for schools that are not conducting session time SBO votes remains June 26. 

You should only conduct an SBO vote for a modification that your members want and has been approved by the UFT district representative. For an SBO to pass at the school level, at least 55% of the UFT members who vote must support the modification.

Find comprehensive information about the SBO process, including an updated SBO manual, an updated PowerPoint presentation, all pre-approved ballot templates and other sample SBO ballots. If you have questions, reach out to your district representative.

Full-time employees receive retention bonus this Thursday

All UFT-represented employees who worked full-time during the 12 months leading up to April 1, 2024, and were on payroll that day are receiving $400 this Thursday, May 16, as a supplemental check in their bank account. Supplemental checks always take time to post, and the amount of time is different depending on the person’s bank. The DOE has confirmed that the transfer of the retention bonuses deposits happened early Thursday morning, as expected, and most people should have seen the money in their accounts by the end of the day, though a handful may not see it until Friday. Per diem or other part-time employees who worked a minimum of 30 days during the 12 months leading up to April 1, 2024, will receive a pro-rated bonus on June 3. The UFT was furious with this year's delay in payment — the contract stipulates "on or about May 1" — and extracted a commitment from the DOE that it would make next year's payment before May 5. The bonus will increase to $700 in 2025; $1,000 in 2026; and $1,035 in 2027. Read more information about the bonus.

Honor your high school colleagues at a prom-themed celebration 

All academic high school members are invited to celebrate their phenomenal colleagues at the Academic High School Division’s annual awards ceremony and celebration at UFT headquarters on Friday, May 31, starting at 4 p.m. This year's theme is senior prom! Whether you had a ball at your high school prom or chose not to attend, we hope you'll join us for a second chance at all the glitz, glamour and dancing. We invite high school members to share photos from their own prom from yesteryear for the event. Send those vintage photos to Angel Valentin at Honor your outstanding high school colleagues, enjoy refreshments and party with your fellow union members.


Chapter Leader Checklist

To Do #1  
Hold your spring meeting of the Special Education Committee 

The school-based Special Education Committee must meet with the principal at least once in the fall and once in the spring to discuss and try to resolve special education compliance issues, such as coverages and teacher and paraprofessional programming. In District 75 schools, you can discuss available space and staffing at the main school and each cluster site to support students in crisis. The goal is for your school to start the new school year in full compliance with special education rules and regulations. If your committee has not yet met, please schedule a meeting with your principal and submit your Special Education Committee notes on the Chapter Leader Hub 10 school days after the meeting to let the union know if the principal resolved the issues you raised. The form should take less than five minutes to fill out.

To Do #2 
Ensure your school is holding its chapter election

School chapters must hold their election for chapter leader, delegate and paraprofessional representative in May or June. Check in with your school's election committee to confirm that it has posted a Notice of Election on the UFT bulletin board with a list of the positions to be filled, procedures for nominations, and an election calendar with the final date for nominations and the date of the election. If your school chapter is holding an election, members should know the names of those running unopposed for union office and the names of candidates competing for one of the positions at your school. If you are not running for re-election as chapter leader, you can share this information with your members via email on behalf of your election committee chair. See the Chapter Elections 2024 section of the UFT website for more details. 

To Do #3 
Contact your district rep if members are pressured to sign extension of probation

Probationers whose principals want to extend their probations do not have to sign the extension of probation immediately. Members have a right to have one of the union's lawyers look it over. In fact, every extension of probation should be submitted to the UFT for a NYSUT attorney to review before the member makes the decision to sign or not. Contact your district rep each time a member receives an extension of probation or when your principal insists the member sign the extension without providing the proper time for it to be reviewed.

To Do #4 
Fliers to share with your members

Print and distribute these fliers in member mailboxes or post them on your school's UFT bulletin board.

Hub Highlights

View all you consultation summaries in one place

Chapter leaders told us that having a record of all their consultation meeting summaries at their fingertips was important to them, so we built a feature in the Chapter Leader Hub so you can do just that. You can see when you first raised an issue in a consultation meeting and track your progress in resolving it. Remember, you can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.

Enter the Hub

Work in progress

The UFT is tackling the following issues with the DOE and other city, state or federal entities as appropriate:

  • Lobbying the City Council to negotiate a final city budget that provides funding for early childhood education, class size reduction, UFT education programs and the union’s other city legislative priorities.
  • Discussing with the DOE how to make it easier for teachers to change their license to an additional shortage area without sacrificing tenure.
  • Working with the DOE to ensure that all curricula are appropriately modified for students with disabilities.
  • Lobbying in Albany to pass legislation to allow all UFT-represented titles who are enrolled in the Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) to have the choice of transferring to the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS).

You Should Know

Medical & Wellness

Vibrant helpline now serves UFT members

The union has forged a partnership with the mental health service Vibrant to create a confidential helpline. UFT members and their families can call 866-838-3678 at any hour to speak to a licensed clinician, get support in a crisis or get a referral for ongoing services for themselves or a family member. These trained counselors are available to assist in multiple languages. 

Salary & Personnel

Guidance on non-instructional days in June

For all schools, Thursday, June 6, is Anniversary Day/Chancellor's Conference Day for staff development. Teachers and mandated related service providers will work remotely; the workday will be six hours and 50 minutes. All staff in central titles, including g CSE staff, will report in person to their regular work assignment on June 6. Friday, June 7, is a clerical day (no students) for pre-K centers, elementary schools, middle schools, K–8 schools and K–12 schools and standalone District 75 programs. UFT-represented staff in those schools work their regular workday hours in person that day. As always, this day is for staff to do their clerical work. No professional development should be scheduled. School-based and functional professional development committees, however, may spend part of the day on their work.

Updates to 2024–25 school calendar

The city Department of Education released its 2024–25 school year calendar last spring. Certain details were left blank pending the release by the State Department of Education of the dates for Regents exams. The following details in next year's calendar have now been released:

  • Regents exams from Tuesday, Jan. 21 through Friday, Jan. 24.
  • Professional development day for high schools and 6–12 schools on Monday, Jan. 27; no classes for students in those schools that day.
  • First day of spring semester on Tuesday, Jan. 28.  
Paraprofessionals can advance their career through LEAP to Teacher 

Any paraprofessional considering going back to school should know that the UFT supports its paraprofessionals pursuing higher education for career growth, skills enhancement and personal development. CUNY's LEAP to Teacher program helps paraprofessional members pursue their education in any field of study offered by one of eight participating CUNY colleges throughout the city. LEAP to Teacher provides para professionals planning to study at a CUNY college with a wide range of free, specialized support services over and above the DOE's Career Training Program for paraprofessionals. Paraprofessionals are welcome to meet with an admissions specialist from the LEAP to Teacher Program to help them find a program that aligns with their interests and career goals and guide them through the admissions process. Interested paraprofessionals can email or call 646-313-8532. Summer classes start on May 28 and fall semester classes start on August 28. 

Learn more

Special Education

District 75 principals must consult with teachers before programming

District 75 chapter leaders are reminded to exercise the new right that members have in the 2023 DOE-UFT contract to consult with principals regarding teacher programs and the functional grouping of students. According to Section 31 of the 2023 Memorandum of Agreement, in the spring, prior to the creation of the program for the upcoming school year, the principal or their designee must meet with teachers during a non-instructional period (a professional period, a faculty or grade conference, or part of a clerical or professional development day) so the teachers can provide their recommendations regarding the functional grouping of students with IEP mandates. 

Everything Else

Join Team UFT at the AIDS Walk this Sunday

You and your members are invited to join Team UFT, called “Educate to Eradicate,” this coming Sunday, May 19, in Central Park to participate in the AIDS Walk to help New Yorkers living with HIV/AIDS. The UFT tent will be on the Mall and Literary Walk; enter Central Park from the east side or west side of 69th Street and walk toward the center of the park. UFT members can also donate money to the cause. The UFT hopes to raise $5,000 collectively. The event raises funds for GMHC and other tri-state AIDS service, social justice and public health organizations through the Community Partnership Program. Share this flier with your members.

Save the date for Teacher Union Day on Nov. 3

Save Sunday, Nov. 3, for Teacher Union Day. This annual union awards ceremony offers an opportunity to celebrate our union's most recent accomplishments while remembering the brave educators who put everything on the line in the 1960 strike that forged the union. Registration will open and this year's award winners will be announced in September.

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