May 30, 2024

GUEST OF HONOR: First lady Jill Biden takes to the stage at the UFT's Spring Education Conference on May 18 as the audience and UFT President Michael Mulgrew and AFT President Randi Weingarten applaud. "My name is Jill Biden and I am first lady of the United States, and I'm a proud card-carrying member of a teachers union," she declared.
This Week's Focus
Organize a teach-in at your school on the class size law
It's time to organize a teach-in at your school to educate the staff and families about the class size law. Please present this PowerPoint presentation and send a photo of your teach-in to This teach-in will help us dispel the myths and make sure staff and families at our schools have accurate information so our students can benefit from this ground-breaking law.
If you haven't yet submitted your class size consultation survey in the Chapter Leader Hub, you should have received an email reminder on Wednesday. It's important that every chapter leader begins the hard work of discussing with the principal the space or staffing challenges the school faces to bring class sizes under the new limits by 2028. Principals should be told that they don't need to cut any programs — the city has committed to providing additional money to individual schools for the sole purpose of coming into compliance with the state law. Principals received this DOE guidance on class size in the May 28 Principals Digest.
Christina McGrath wins TRS trustee election
The election for a teacher-member of the New York City Teachers' Retirement System board is over — yet it's not over. Christina McGrath, the candidate overwhelmingly approved by the Delegate Assembly for the position, received 69% of the online vote to win the election. McGrath, a longtime pension rep in the UFT Pension Department, had been challenged by Ben Morgenroth, a math teacher at Brooklyn Technical HS.
However, since the city Department of Education decided to conduct an electronic election for the position on May 8-9 instead of the paper balloting called for in the election bylaws, an Article 78 complaint will be filed in state court and there could be a re-vote, UFT President Michael Mulgrew told the Delegate Assembly on May 22. "It was decided that, whether the winner was Christina or Ben, we have to follow through on a complaint," Mulgrew said. "The rules weren't followed, and we can't allow a precedent to be set." For now, McGrath will serve as the new teacher-member as a result of the vote.
Citywide pivot-to-remote simulation on June 6
The DOE has decided to test its remote learning setup on Chancellor's Conference Day next Thursday to gain a better sense of what the system can handle on a day when severe weather or other emergencies require all schools to pivot to remote. The goal is to avoid a repeat of the system failure that happened on Feb. 13, when schools were closed because of a snowstorm.
On the morning of June 6, teachers will log in for 30 minutes at set times for each school division. They are not expected to deliver regular lessons. The DOE has provided a list of sample activities for the students who choose to log on. "The Chancellor's Conference Day is not an instructional day," the DOE guidance for principals states. "The goal of this activity is to test the system's readiness."
Paraprofessionals, out-of-classroom teachers, related service providers and other staff will also be asked to log in at a time designated by their principal.
Present newly designed UFT certificates to graduates
UFT officers and the chairs of the union's Professional Committees have a long tradition of supporting and rewarding graduating students by supplying certificates to recognize excellence in academic achievement. All of the union's certificates have fresh new designs and may be presented to the most deserving students in each subject area as well as our youngest students in early childhood classrooms and pre-K centers. Download the student certificates for excellence in academic achievement, extraordinary effort and early childhood. For more information, read the letter from UFT President Michael Mulgrew and Rashad Brown, the coordinator of the UFT Professional Committees.
Sold-out Spring Education Conference was a success
On May 18, 1,200 UFT members turned out to reflect, celebrate and have fun at the UFT's Spring Education Conference at the New York Hilton. The event kicked off with a town hall discussion on the new reading curricula featuring UFT President Michael Mulgrew, Schools Chancellor David C. Banks and a panel of UFT Teacher Center literacy coaches. Members then had the choice of four workshops and the chance to peruse an exhibit hall showcasing the skills of career and technical education students. First Lady Jill Biden was the keynote speaker at the gala luncheon. Attendees also heard from U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, state Attorney General Letitia James, AFT President Randi Weingarten and NYSUT President Melinda Person. D.J. Grandmaster Dee of Whodini kept everyone energized and moving to the beat. See photos from the event on the UFT website and check out the #UFTSpring tweets that captured the spirit of the day.
Chapter Leader Checklist
To Do #1
How to help a functional chapter member request a duplicate ballot
The American Arbitration Association is running elections by mail ballot for the following UFT functional chapters that have contested positions: attendance teachers, hospital schools, lab specialists, paraprofessionals, school counselors, sign language interpreters, social workers and psychologists, supervisors of school safety and teachers assigned. If a member from one of these functional chapters has not received a ballot or has misplaced their ballot, they can call the American Arbitration Association (AAA) at 800-529-5218 (weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or email to request a duplicate ballot by June 11. Ballots will be counted on June 13. See the Chapter Elections 2024 section of the UFT website for more details.
To Do #2
Have you submitted your consultation summary for April?
Your consultation committee summary for your April meeting with your principal is due on Friday, May 31. There is no need to wait to submit your summary of your May meeting, too. Please submit your summaries via the Chapter Leader Hub.
To Do #3
Hold the spring meeting of your school's Special Education Committee
The school-based Special Education Committee must meet with the principal at least once in the fall and once in the spring to discuss and try to resolve special education compliance issues, such as coverages and teacher and paraprofessional programming. In District 75 schools, you can discuss available space and staffing at the main school and each cluster site to support students in crisis. The goal is for your school to start the new school year in full compliance with special education rules and regulations. If your committee has not yet met, please schedule a meeting with your principal as soon as possible and submit your Special Education Committee notes on the Chapter Leader Hub 10 school days after the meeting to let the union know if the principal resolved the issues you raised.
To Do #4
Remind members to enroll in UFT committees
Remind your members that now, via the UFT Member Hub, it's easier than ever to enroll in the professional committees of your choice. You can simply select the committees that interest you on the Member Hub enrollment page, hit submit and receive email invitations to those committees' future meetings and events.
To Do #5
Fliers to share with your members
Print and distribute these fliers in member mailboxes or post them on your school's UFT bulletin board.
Hub Highlights
Did you miss our last Chapter Leader Update?
The Chapter Leader Update comes out every two weeks, but do not fret if you miss an issue. As chapter leader, you have access to the complete Chapter Leader Update archive through the Chapter Leader Hub. Check out the archive to get any updates you missed. Remember, you can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.
Work in progress
The UFT is tackling the following issues with the DOE and other city, state or federal entities as appropriate:
- Pushing the DOE to release the list of schools that will receive additional class size reduction money.
- Urging the DOE and the city to keep better records of DOE staff who completed mandatory sexual harassment training.
- Pushing the DOE to finally pay Lead Teacher Assistants who did coverages during the pandemic.
- Lobbying in Albany to pass legislation to allow all UFT-represented titles now enrolled in the Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) to have the choice of transferring to the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS).
You Should Know
Contract Empowerment & Enforcement
Reorganization grievances must be promptly filed
If teachers in your school wish to grieve their programs or assignments for next school year, they must act quickly. Within two school days of knowledge of their new program, a teacher must ask the chapter leader to submit a Step 1 grievance, which is available only in the Chapter Leader Hub. Be sure to also print out a copy of the grievance and submit it, or have your teacher submit it, to the principal. The principal has two school days from the date they were notified to meet with the teacher and render a decision. If the grievance is unresolved, an appeal to the superintendent must be filed within two school days of the grievance conference, so contact your district representative immediately. The superintendent then has three school days to schedule and meet with the parties and four school days to write a decision. No reorganization grievances can be filed during the summer because the grievance process is suspended. After June 26, reorganization grievances can be filed only after school resumes in September.
Stay on top of SBO deadlines in June
Your school's vote for all proposed SBOs must be conducted on the same day, using the online platform ElectionBuddy. Schools with session time SBOs should hold their SBO vote before June 11, the deadline that the DOE set for principals to submit their session times. The SBO vote deadline for schools that are not conducting session time SBO votes remains June 26. You should only conduct an SBO vote for a modification that your members want and has been approved by the UFT district representative. For an SBO to pass at the school level, at least 55% of the UFT members who vote must support the modification. Find comprehensive information about the SBO process, including an updated SBO manual, an updated PowerPoint presentation, all pre-approved ballot templates and other sample SBO ballots. If you have questions, reach out to your district representative.
Health & Safety
Air conditioning guidelines and complaints
During the official 2024 air-conditioning season from Friday, May 24, to Sunday, Sept. 22, school room temperatures should be no lower than 78 degrees. There is no regulation mandating an upper temperature limit, only comfort guidelines. The UFT supports legislation before the City Council and the State Legislature to establish safe maximum temperatures for all classrooms and offices. The UFT will address temperature complaints on a case-by-case basis with the DOE Division of School Facilities. Members who want to file a complaint should keep a log of the room temperature and also provide specific information including: Are the rooms in question interior rooms whose only source of air is provided by a mechanical ventilation system? If so, is the mechanical ventilation system working? Are the rooms overcrowded? Are the rooms occupied by special needs students? What are the room temperatures? For more information, read the 2024 City of New York Cooling Season Guidelines.
Medical & Wellness
Podcast episode on advocacy for LGBTQ rights
Just in time for Pride Month, the latest episode of our Member Assistance Program's Brewing Wellness podcast features a conversation with UFT educator Rashad Brown, the chair of the UFT Pride Committee. Brown joins Mindy Rosier of the UFT Teacher Center for a discussion of the committee's advocacy and goals, which include creating safe spaces for LGBTQ students and staff in school communities. The committee also hosts the Daniel Dromm Scholarship Brunch and participates in the annual AIDS Walk in May and the NYC Pride March, which this year will take place on Sunday, June 30. Subscribe to the Brewing Wellness podcast on your favorite podcast platform so you don't miss any upcoming episodes.
Political Action
Register to vote in the June 25 primary
Alert colleagues, parents, and eligible students that Saturday, June 15, is the deadline to register to vote in person or online in the June 25 New York City primary. This year, New York City voters may choose among candidates for Congress, the state Senate and the state Assembly. Members who have an ID issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles (driver's license, permit or non-driver ID) can register to vote online. Members who do not have a DMV-issued ID can print this form, fill it out and mail it (the address is on page 2 of the form) to their local board of elections. For those voting by mail, the request must be postmarked by Monday, June 10, and received by the elections board no later than Saturday, June 15.
Request an absentee ballot for the primary by June 15
The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot for the June 25 primary is Saturday, June 15. A board of elections must receive the absentee ballot application by letter or through the online absentee request portal by this date. In New York City, members can complete an online absentee ballot application or can call 1-866-VOTE-NYC to request an application by mail. For complete New York City voter information, visit the NYC Board of Elections website. Outside the five boroughs, you can call your county's board of elections to request an absentee ballot. Ballots must be returned and postmarked no later than primary day, which is June 25. See NYSUT's endorsements in the June 25 primary. Want to volunteer to get out the vote for our candidates? Send an email to the UFT political action coordinator for your borough.
Salary & Personnel
Excessing should decrease as class size limits are implemented
The passage and phased implementation of the state class size law means that school administrators should think long and hard before excessing any staff to avoid making wrong-headed excessing decisions. A situation in which excessing may have been considered reasonable in the past may no longer make sense. Push your principal not to excess staff and instead to maintain staffing levels that will allow your school to more fully comply with the class size law. Excessing should be limited to unique circumstances.
Please ensure that any excessing at your school proceeds according to established contractual protocols and state law. Keep in mind that excessing letters mean that a staff member is in danger of being excessed. The DOE notifies staff in June, but the actual excessing occurs in September. Notified UFT members may either look for a new position through the Open Market Transfer Plan this summer or wait until the fall to see if a position remains open. Read the UFT's Q&A on excessing. Excessed members lose their school position but keep their job, their salary and their benefits. Excessing happens when a school has more staff members in a given license than positions in that license. If excessing occurs in a particular title or license, the person with the fewest years of service at a school or work site is excessed first. The union has prepared a document to help you read a seniority list so you can see the order of excessing. (You must be logged in to the UFT website to access this document.) If your members are placed in excess in September, they then can register on the Open Market Transfer Plan system. They may apply for any vacancies in their license area citywide or they may apply to any school regardless of vacancies. Excessing is covered in Article 17B in the DOE-UFT contract. If you have questions, please contact your UFT district representative.
Everything Else
Pension Department serves members in the summer
The UFT Pension Department is open throughout the summer for pension preliminary consultations and emergency final consultations. The union will have pension consultants available to take calls and answer questions. To schedule a consultation, call the UFT at 212-331-6311. Pension workshops will resume in the fall.
March in the Puerto Rican Day Parade on June 9
You're invited to march with the UFT in the nation's largest annual cultural celebration, the New York City Puerto Rican Day Parade, on Sunday, June 9. UFT members will gather at the corner of 46th Street and 6th Avenue at 10 a.m. The parade will run through 2 p.m. Join us to show your pride, have fun with fellow members and enjoy the festivities.
Recent Guidance and Agreements
- DOE guidance on paperwork and operational issues 2023-24 (October 2023)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2023-24 (July 2023)
- DOE-UFT Memorandum of Agreement (June 2023)
Contact the UFT
- DOE members, call 212‑331‑6311.
- DOE functional chapter members, call 212‑331‑6312.
- A health benefit question? Call the Welfare Fund at 212‑539‑0500.