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Sept. 19, 2024

Jonathan Fickies

FIGHTING FOR OUR STUDENTS: Chapter Leader Annawa Naing from PS/IS 78 in Long Island City, Queens, talks about how she was able to end the practice of cookie-cutter IEPs at her school during the citywide chapter leader meeting at UFT headquarters on Sept. 18.

This Week's Focus

Request a UFT representative to speak at your school

Do your members have questions about Welfare Fund benefits, certification or school safety and health? Would they like to have a conversation with the UFT vice president from their school division? UFT officers and union reps from various departments are available to visit your school and speak with the members of your chapter. Select "Request a School Visit" under Forms in the Chapter Leader Hub.

Request a visit

Report class size data to your district rep on Sept. 24 and Oct. 1

We are addressing the class size issues that school chapter leaders reported on Days 6 and 10. The next key reporting days are: Day 14 (Tuesday, Sept. 24) and Day 19 (Tuesday, Oct. 1). These contractual class size limits are separate and apart from implementation of the state's class size law. Please obtain your school's RACL (elementary or middle schools) or Master Schedule Final (high schools), which indicates class sizes on these dates. For most schools, the oversize classes that remain unresolved by Day 14 (Sept. 24) will go to your district representative and superintendent to tackle. On the 21st day, unresolved cases escalate a step higher to the central class size labor-management committee.

The 2018 contract created a special additional step for schools that are chronically out of compliance, defined as having oversized classes for four of the past six school years. These schools are escalated to the Class Size Labor-Management Committee once the overages are reported to the union. If the Class Size Labor-Management Committee cannot resolve the issue, the case is scheduled for expedited arbitration as soon as 10 days later — and no later than the 34th school day of the term. The arbitrator can issue a binding remedy within five school days that the DOE must implement in five school days.

ACTION YOU NEED TO TAKE: Send the class size data for your school on days 14 and 19 of the school year to your UFT district rep. Reach out to your district rep if you have any questions.

Help for members struggling with student debt  

If you have colleagues who are worried about how they will manage their monthly loan payments, our Student Debt Relief Program, only for UFT members, can help them navigate the options and apply for the right federal student debt relief program. UFT members are invited to attend a 90-minute introductory webinar. Sessions that provide an overview of the range of programs available are held twice a week from Saturday, Sept. 21, through Tuesday, Oct. 29. After attending an introductory webinar, a member may make an appointment to speak by phone with a loan specialist to discuss their individual needs and create a free action plan.

Learn more

Celebrate Teacher Union Day on Nov. 3

The power of our union is in all of its members. We have accomplished a lot over the last year, and at Teacher Union Day we will be celebrating the school-based leaders who deserve much of the credit. Our chapter leaders and our Chapter Action Teams worked diligently to implement the contract in every school, to fix Tier 6 of the pension system and to push the city to take its first concrete steps to fund class size reduction. Our work as school-based union leaders is hard, and Teacher Union Day gives us the opportunity to recognize and celebrate one another. We invite you to join us for this year's special event on Sunday, Nov. 3, at the New York Hilton Midtown. There will be a continental breakfast and post-awards reception. Cost: $40 if you register before Oct. 7 (early bird discount); $50 after that date.

Register now

Chapter Leader Checklist

To Do #1

Schedule special ed training for staff

A new provision in the 2023 DOE-UFT contract requires all school staff to receive annual training on special education rules and regulations on or before Election Day. You and your principal will jointly deliver this training in person. Make sure your school has selected a date. We encourage you to review the train-the-trainer webinar before you present it to staff. You can find a video recording of the webinar, the training presentation, the facilitators' guide and a reference list for a training activity in the Chapter Leader Hub in a new section called "Guidance on SBOs and Special Education" under Resources.

To Do #2

Make sure new members are on payroll

Check with your school's payroll secretary to make sure new members of your chapter are on payroll. Newly appointed pedagogues and paraprofessionals placed on payroll by Aug. 28 should have received their first paycheck on Sept.16. If payroll processing was completed between Aug. 29 and Sept. 12, those new hires should receive their first paycheck in the Sept. 30 payroll. New H-Bank members, including therapists and school nurses, who were placed on payroll by Aug. 30 should have received their first paycheck on Sept. 13. If payroll processing was completed between Sept. 1 and Sept. 19, those H-Bank hires should receive their first paycheck in the Sept. 27 payroll. New UFT members who missed the first payroll should call the union at 212-331-6311 regarding the possibility of a supplemental check.

To Do #3

Ask your colleagues to wear pink on Oct. 16

October presents several opportunities for us to raise awareness and funds in the fight against breast cancer. On Wednesday, Oct. 16, the same day as the first Delegate Assembly for the school year, your chapter can show its support for breast cancer awareness by wearing pink. If you haven't already, please make sure you or a colleague has created a UFT team to participate in a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in your school's borough or in Central Park. See the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks page on the UFT website for all the information you need, including the registration form and each walk's UFT Strides coordinator.

To Do #4

Flyers to share with your members

Here are flyers you can print and distribute in member mailboxes or post on your school's UFT bulletin board.

Hub Highlights

Easy access to all DOE and union forms

When a member asks you for an enrollment form for the UFT Welfare Fund or the form to apply for a FMLA leave of absence, visit the Chapter Leader Hub. We've assembled the forms you most often need in one easy-to-access location. Remember: You can access the hub with your UFT website username and password.

Enter the hub

Work in progress

The UFT is tackling the following issues with the DOE and other city, state and federal-level entities as appropriate:

  • Pushing the DOE to open the hiring process for paraprofessionals before Oct. 1 to address the shortage, especially in District 75.
  • Pushing the DOE to respect teacher autonomy on how to implement the new curricula, particularly the new algebra curriculum.
  • Finalizing the labor guidance on paperwork and operational issues for this school year.

You Should Know

Committee Updates

This new section of the Chapter Leader Update will keep you informed about the activities of our six new union committees and how you can support their work.

Virtual learning committee invites your input

Join a committee of high school educators and union leadership as they explore scaling up virtual learning opportunities for students in grades 6 through 12. The online kickoff meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 4 to 6 p.m. Secondary school teachers and school counselors are especially encouraged to attend. 


Contract Empowerment & Enforcement

Enforcing new elementary-school program rights

The 2023 DOE-UFT contract provides elementary school teachers with the same contractual rights related to their programs that high school teachers have had since 1962 and middle school teachers obtained in 1975: "Wherever administratively possible, elementary teacher programs should have no more than three consecutive teaching assignments and no more than four consecutive working assignments (including professional activities)." This new right is not a blanket prohibition on the assignment of four consecutive teaching assignments (or five consecutive working assignments), but it does require administration to show that it was not possible to avoid such an assignment. If teachers in your elementary school have received programs with four consecutive teaching assignments (or five consecutive working assignments), raise the issue as soon as possible with your principal to discuss reprogramming.

Health & Safety

UFT pressures the DOE on air conditioning

Many chapter leaders let us know about excessive heat and broken air conditioning in their schools. The data you supplied strengthens the union's case for Gov. Kathy Hochul to sign bill S.3397/A.447, which will set a maximum temperature of 82 degrees in all school buildings across the state. In the meantime, your union safety liaisons, along with your district representatives, will continue to visit buildings to inspect faulty HVAC systems or window air conditioning units and to push the DOE and its Division of School Facilities to address these issues before the next hot day arrives.

Climate education opportunities for this school year

The DOE, with our strong support, is again holding four Climate Action Days this school year to increase awareness of climate and sustainability in our schools and engage entire school communities in climate action. Here are the suggested dates and themes for the 2024–25 school year:

  • Nov. 19: Waste
  • Feb. 5: Energy
  • April 9: Health, Wellness and Green Space
  • May 21: Water

Let educators in your school know that the UFT has compiled climate education teaching resources that will help educators develop lesson plans for each Climate Action Day. Learn about events during Climate Week NYC 2024, from Sept. 21 to 28, on the website of the Climate & Resilience Education Task Force.


October deadline for initial planning conferences

Principals must hold initial planning conferences at a mutually agreed-upon time with teachers who received a rating of Developing or Ineffective in the 2023–24 school year by Oct. 1 and with all other teachers by Oct. 25. This conference is an opportunity for the teacher to discuss previous evaluations, current classes and instructional plans and goals for the 2024–25 school year. Here is the DOE's guidance for principals on initial planning conferences.

Read our new Q&A on teacher evaluation

Second workshop scheduled on MOSL selection process

Your school's MOSL committee has the task of determining what assessments your school will use to measure students' academic growth. The UFT is holding two online training sessions, on Sept. 26 and Oct. 8, for chapter leaders, members of the MOSL committee and interested teachers to learn more about the Measures of Student Learning (MOSL) selection process. The union scheduled the second session to accommodate high school chapter leaders and teachers who have back-to-school meetings with parents on Sept. 26. The DOE will finalize all teacher-level MOSL selections by Friday, Nov. 8.

Register for the Sept. 26 session

Register for the Oct. 8 session

Medical & Wellness

Members get guided access to Hospital for Special Surgery

UFT Welfare Fund members now have access to concierge care from Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), thanks to a new partnership between the UFT Welfare Fund and the hospital. An email was sent on Tuesday to all Welfare Fund members telling them about the new program, called HSS Perform. Hospital for Special Surgery treats musculoskeletal issues including joint pain and injury, back and neck pain, arthritis and more. Hospital for Special Surgery offers personalized and innovative surgical and nonsurgical treatments, including physical therapy and rehabilitation. Most HSS sites and physicians located in the New York tri-state area are in network with health plans offered by the City of New York, such as GHI CBP and HIP HMO.

Learn more

Political Action

Voting in the Nov. 5 election

Remind members of your chapter, your friends and your family to vote — by early mail ballot, through early voting or in person on Election Day. No one should sit on the sidelines! 

Registering to vote: The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 5 election is Saturday, Oct. 26. If you choose to register by mail, the state Board of Elections must receive your application no later than Oct. 26. If you are not sure if you are currently registered to vote in New York State, you can quickly find out.

Voting by mail ballot: Any registered voter in New York State may apply for an early mail ballot. If you plan to vote by mail, we strongly suggest that you request your ballot by Oct. 16 at the latest. This will ensure your request is received on time and your vote is counted! 

Door knock for Tom Suozzi and Toby Ann Stavisky on Oct. 5

Join with fellow educators and our allies on the afternoon of Saturday, Oct. 5, for a labor walk in eastern Queens. We'll be knocking on the doors of fellow union members to get out the vote to re-elect the U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi and state Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky. We will gather at 21027 26th Ave. (near AMC Theatres) in Bay Terrace at noon. Contact UFT Queens Political Action Coordinator Lamar Hughes at to confirm your attendance. The UFT is supporting Suozzi, Stavisky and other candidates up and down the ballot who support our education, economic and labor agendas.

Volunteer to phone bank for labor-friendly candidates

You and your chapter's members can help get out the vote for the November election by volunteering at a UFT phone bank in your district or with your UFT borough office. We will be calling fellow UFT members to encourage them to make a plan to vote for Kamala Harris and the other candidates down the ballot who we also support. Some UFT district reps are organizing a phone-banking day in the district for UFT members who work in that district. Please reach out to your district rep to see if they are organizing a districtwide event and encourage your members to turn out that day.

Learn more

Salary & Personnel

It's time to apply for new school-based parking permits

It's time for school-based UFT members to apply for their new parking permits. The DOE's self-service portal is now open and available for applications through Thursday, Oct. 3. (Please note: The portal works best in Google Chrome.) The following parking permits are available to UFT members if there are DOT-designated on-street parking spaces at your school:

  • On-street general (OSG) parking
  • Itinerant on-street (OSI) parking

The DOE will deliver parking permits to your school by Nov. 1, which is when last school year's parking permits expire. The new DOE parking permits are distributed after the expired parking permits are collected. Please remember to tell your members that OSG parking permits are school-specific. These permits specify the school name and the designated streets for parking. School-based staff who work at more than one school are issued itinerant on-street (OSI) parking permits for use at assigned schools with available DOT-designated street-parking spaces. These spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For questions, email

Apply for a study sabbatical by Oct. 23

Eligible teachers who want time to study to enhance their teaching skills during the spring 2025 term have until Wednesday, Oct. 23, to submit an application in SOLAS for a study sabbatical. The applications become available on Friday, Oct. 4. The deadline for a principal's recommendation to the superintendent is Oct. 30. Coursework must be rigorous and related to your teaching assignment. All teachers are eligible for a one-year study sabbatical after 14 years of service. Middle or high school classroom teachers with seven years on the job may also apply for a six-month study sabbatical for the spring semester only. During a study sabbatical, whether six months or a full year, teachers earn 70% of their salary. Members can find out more in the sabbatical leaves section of the UFT website. Members can read the current guidelines and eligibility requirements in the DOE sabbatical memo, which the DOE updates and reissues each spring, and Chancellor's Regulation C-650 on Sabbatical Leaves of Absence.

Recent Guidance and Agreements

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