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What are the responsibilities of a chapter leader?

As chapter leader, your responsibilities include the following:

  • Holding at least six regularly scheduled chapter meetings each year.
  • Forming a chapter consultation committee,meeting monthly with the committee and the principal, and reporting the results of the meeting to the chapter.
  • Representing all chapter members in informal resolutions of problems with the administration and in grievances.
  • Involving the chapter with the union by advising members of meetings, programs, rallies and other activities.
  • Attending Delegate Assembly, district and citywide chapter leader meetings and divisional meetings where the concerns of the chapter can be transmitted.
  • Explaining VOTE/COPE to the members and collecting VOTE/COPE checkoff cards.
  • Explaining the union’s positions to members.
  • Providing for informal resolution of problems between members.
  • Serving as a resource for members about pensions, health coverage and other matters.
  • Providing regular communications to chapter members (emails, electronic or print newsletters) and maintaining the UFT bulletin board.
  • Working with the district representative and other union representatives.
  • Inviting union speakers into school regularly: officers, staff, the district representative, Welfare Fund speakers and pension experts.
  • Contacting and lobbying politicians.
  • Registering members to vote.
  • Working with parent groups.
  • Taking the lead in seeking to ensure that the health, welfare and rights of members are protected.
  • Disseminating UFT materials via members’ mailboxes and/or electronically.
  • Conducting letter-writing campaigns and other union activities.
  • Attending training sessions in order to serve the members better.
  • Distributing Welfare Fund forms.
  • Protecting the confidentiality of all members.
  • Involving newer members and members of functional chapters in the life of the school chapter.
  • Ensuring that the negotiated contracts are enforced and implemented at the school level, and that UFT members’ rights and benefits are protected.
  • Leading the chapter in discussion, development and implementation of educational policies in the school in accordance with union policy.
  • Functioning as the chapter’s historian,keeping records that need to be handed down.