Teachers’ Retirement System offices are still closed to visitors, but TRS is finding other ways to serve its members during the pandemic.
For example, you can schedule a 30-minute video call with a TRS representative using Zoom. Visit the TRS website and click on the icon to make an appointment.
And, on a temporary basis, if you’re having trouble reaching a TRS representative on the phone, you can send an inquiry by email to AskTRSNYC [at] trs [dot] nyc [dot] ny [dot] us (AskTRSNYC[at]trs[dot]nyc[dot]ny[dot]us). For additional service updates, go to www.trsnyc.org or follow TRS on social media.
Board of Education Retirement System members can schedule a virtual counseling session with a BERS benefit examiner. To set up a meeting, members can email BERS directly at Brespon [at] bers [dot] nyc [dot] gov (Brespon[at]bers[dot]nyc[dot]gov) or call 929-305-3800.