DOE guidance on school counselors assignments
In the Sept. 24, 2019 issue of the Principal's Weekly, the DOE offered the following guidance to principals regarding work assignments for school counselors:
Guidance Counselor Assignments
School Type: All schools
Workflow Subcategory: HR GeneralAs a reminder, guidance counselors should not be given any administrative assignments such as lunch, hall, bus, or yard duty. However, at times there may be a need for counselors to assist their students with social emotional needs during the student’s lunch, and if so, a supervisor may ask the counselor to do so. It is understood that in general, counseling is confidential in nature, therefore, on those occasions when the counselor is needed in the lunchroom to perform counseling, the professional discretion of the supervisor in consultation with the counselor should be used in determining whether to stay or leave the lunchroom to perform counseling in a location that, to the extent possible, ensures confidentiality.
For questions, email KSolimando [at] schools [dot] nyc [dot] gov (Karen Solimando).