Two Federation of Nurses/UFT members were selected from among 300 UFT members who responded to the union’s appeal for medical volunteers to help in the relief effort in the Philippines following a devastating typhoon. Cora-Ann O’Regan and Kati Tannous, nurses at what is now NYU Langone Hospital — Brooklyn, arrived in the Philippines on Jan. 20, 2014, less than three months after Typhoon Haiyan killed more than 6,000 people. Using vacation time for their two-week stay, the pair went to nine villages to work in clinics set up by relief agencies. O’Regan and Tannous saw more than 200 patients a day, treating a variety of ailments from peptic ulcers and high blood pressure to post-traumatic stress. Their journey was funded by the UFT Disaster Relief Fund, which has contributed to relief efforts at home and abroad since 2001.

Young people flock to Kati Tannous (center, orange shirt) and Cora-Ann O’Regan (right), both Federation of Nurses/UFT members, who took part in a medical mission to help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
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