Guidance for child care providers about how to get paid during the COVID-19 pandemic
The following email was sent to child care providers on April 30 by UFT Family Child Care Providers Chapter Chair Tammie Miller.
I am sure many of you have questions and concerns about how you will be paid during the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to share important guidance with you from the Administration for Children's Services. This guidance applies to providers who supply child care services to families who pay with NYC child care vouchers. Child care voucher payments continue to be processed.
There are actions you can take to help ensure you receive timely payments. Please use the link below to read the full guidance from the ACS. It includes a helpful FAQ that will inform you about what steps you need to take.
Read the ACS guidance to ensure you get paid.
I encourage you to regularly check the COVID-19 information page on the ACS website for updates and announcements.