Latest News
Arbitration process to settle evaluation system begins
The UFT and the city Department of Education each submitted lengthy proposals for a New York City teacher evaluation system to the State Education Department on May 8. State Education Commissioner John King will consider the proposals and decide on a final plan by June 1, in time for the start of the next school year.
Contract fact-finding kicks off
The UFT began the first fact-finding hearing for a new contract on May 6. The dispute pivots largely on the question of pattern bargaining. The UFT’s position is that its members are entitled to the same raises as other city workers have received. The DOE counters that it can't afford it.
Florida teachers sue over evaluation system
Teachers in Florida have filed a federal lawsuit claiming the state’s new teacher evaluation system is unfair because it partly rates their job performance on test scores of students they don’t know and subjects they don’t teach.
HS classmates’ economic status matters
Socioeconomic segregregation in schools greatly affects students' graduation and college enrollment rates, new research shows.
Government-austerity hawks rely on flawed research
Michelle Rhee's record under scrutiny, new science standards, and other news from around the country.
News literacy programs expanding in U.S. schools
With information and news sources proliferating on social media and the Internet, educators say it is increasingly important to teach students how to separate fact from fiction.