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Coronavirus Update

Access all DOE applications from an online portal

News Stories

I hope that you are well and preparing for next week as we launch our remote learning to provide continuity of services to our students. I know that you are working hard, and your students are looking forward to hearing from you. Many of you have reached out to me with questions about how to access DOE applications while working remotely.

The DOE has created a unified online workspace that allows you to access all DOE applications from one website. You can only access the portal from outside the DOE network. No VPN is required.

From this website, you will be able to access applications such as ATS, STARS Admin, OORS, Office 365 and Cybershift.

You'll need to sign in with your DOE username (the part before the @) and password.

Sign into your remote workspace

Again, this URL is only accessible on a non-DOE networked computer.

Be sure to bookmark the link in your browser for easier access.

Some counselors who use Macs have reported being unable to open the remote workspace on Safari. If you download a browser extension that allows you to run Internet Explorer on Chrome, this should solve that issue.

Thank you again for all that you are are doing during this difficult time.


Rosemarie Thompson
UFT School Counselors Chapter Leader
RThompson [at] uft [dot] org (RThompson[at]uft[dot]org)

Related Topics: Chapter News , Coronavirus