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Los Angeles schools to offer in-person tutoring

New York Teacher

While all schools are using fully remote instruction in Los Angeles, the teachers union reached an agreement on Oct. 8 with the city to offer one-on-one, in-person tutoring for students with disabilities and English language learners.

The union, United Teachers Los Angeles, sought to ensure adequate protection from COVID-19 for educators while addressing the problem that remote learning widens the academic gap between affluent students and students in schools in low-income communities. Those communities, predominantly Black and Latino, have suffered disproportionate coronavirus infection rates.

“We are gratified that we could reach an agreement that supports our most vulnerable students and follows best practices to uphold the health and safety of our school communities,” said United Teachers Los Angeles President Cecily Myart-Cruz.

All participants must provide a negative coronavirus test result, either from the district’s testing program or another testing provider. Instruction should occur outdoors “when practical,” according to the agreement, though participants may choose to work in a classroom with proper ventilation and space for social distancing. Teachers are to be supplied with personal protective equipment and students will receive a resealable plastic bag of school supplies each day. Separate bathrooms must also be provided for students and staff.

Los Angeles Times, Oct. 9

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