Many UFT-represented members have a unique and valuable benefit: the ability to take an extended child care leave and return to their job afterward. This benefit is for those who want to take more time off than paid parental leave or federal Family and Medical Leave Act benefits will allow.
Although the leave is unpaid and comes with no health benefits, it enables educators and some other city Department of Education employees to leave work for up to four years following the birth or adoption of a child and be able to return to work in rightful seniority order.
You must return to work in the September following your child’s fourth birthday, unless you give birth to or adopt another child, in which case the leave can be extended.
Teachers with at least one year of regularly appointed service (full-time work) are eligible for this benefit. Also eligible after one year are attendance teachers, speech teachers, school counselors, social workers and psychologists, school secretaries and lab specialists.
Paraprofessionals qualify for the leave after two years of full-time service.
Occupational and physical therapists, school nurses, audiologists, and education officers and analysts are eligible for a child care leave after a year of full-time work if they have permanent status. Administrative education officers and analysts need three years of permanent full-time service to qualify for the leave.
Substitute teachers and substitute paraprofessionals are not eligible.
The right of return
Teachers and paraprofessionals have the right to return to their former schools in rightful order of seniority following an extended child care leave. No employees accrue any seniority while they are on unpaid leave.
Speech teachers returning from leaves of less than two years will return to the schools they were assigned to in accordance with their seniority.
School counselors, psychologists and social workers have the right of return to their assignment within the district in accordance with their seniority if they return within one year of taking their leave. If they return after that, they are not guaranteed a position in the same school, but they are guaranteed a position, likely in their district, and definitely in their borough.
Occupational therapists and physical therapists have the right of return from a leave of one year or less to the school or facility where they served at the time of the leave, in accordance with their seniority. If the leave is longer than one year, the right of return is to a comparable position.
Other employment
Outside employment is prohibited, unless the superintendent approves it. However, teachers and other pedagogues can work F-status — a regularly scheduled, part-time position at the DOE — or per-diem during their extended child care leave. If they work F-status for at least half of their title’s full-time program, they are entitled to health benefits.
Your responsibilities on leave
Be aware that although you are on leave, you are still considered a DOE employee and are required to check your DOE email regularly.
Any DOE employee on a leave through the end of the year will be asked each spring to state their intent (to return to work, extend the leave, resign or retire) for the following school year. If you wish to extend your leave for another year, you have to apply for the leave extension. If you do not declare your intent by May 15, you will be deemed voluntarily resigned from your position.
You are responsible for maintaining your certification requirements while on extended child care leave. Reach out to an educational liaison in your UFT borough office at 212-331-6311 for more information.