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Q&A on the Issues

Using Teacher’s Choice

Learn all you need to know to get the most out of this program
New York Teacher

Teacher’s Choice, initiated by the UFT over 30 years ago, allows school staff members to exercise their professional judgment to purchase supplementary supplies and materials to improve the educational experience for their students. See answers to the most commonly asked questions about the program.

What is Teacher’s Choice and how does it work?
Teacher’s Choice reimburses eligible UFT members up to a specific amount for the cost of supplementary supplies and materials they buy since they know their students’ learning needs best. Only out-of-pocket purchases made within the annual spending period are eligible. Members will receive reimbursement at the amount allocated for their job title. Then, they must submit an accountability form with receipts to the school to show the entire amount has been spent.  You do not need to sign up for Teacher’s Choice; inclusion in the program is automatic for those who are eligible.  

Shouldn’t my school provide me with instructional supplies?
Yes, it must. Under the DOE-UFT contract, it is your school’s obligation to provide you with “appropriate and sufficient basic instructional supplies and books,” including textbooks, paper, assessment materials, chalk, microscopes and math manipulatives. 

See additional information about teacher supplies » 

If that obligation is not met, let your chapter leader know. Teacher’s Choice should be used for materials beyond these basic supplies.

How is Teacher’s Choice funded? Is it a contractual right?
The New York City Council created Teacher’s Choice decades ago after intense lobbying by the UFT. Teacher’s Choice is not guaranteed from year to year; the UFT has to lobby for funding for the program in every year’s city budget. Teacher’s Choice is not part of the DOE-UFT contract.

Which school staff members receive funding from Teacher’s Choice?
Classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, school counselors, social workers and psychologists, occupational and physical therapists, school nurses, school secretaries, lab specialists, reading coaches and single shepherds all receive funds through Teacher’s Choice at varying amounts per job title. Recipients must be in active service as of Nov. 1 to receive funding that same school year. See the chart below for this year’s spending amounts by title.

Teacher's Choice allotments

Amounts, by title, for the 2024-25 school year

teachers choice
School Social Workers and Psychologists, School Counselors, Reading Coaches and Single Shepherds
Occupational and Physical Therapists and School Nurses
Lab Specialists
Paraprofessionals and School Secretaries

When do the spending periods begin and end?
The purchasing period begins each school year on Aug. 1. This school year, the deadline to purchase items is Jan. 10, 2025.

What types of purchases are allowed under Teacher’s Choice?
Items purchased under Teacher’s Choice must be appropriate for educational use in the classroom or for other professional assignments, such as art materials, special paper, learning aids, musical instruments and more. If supplies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, such as masks and hand sanitizer, have not been provided by your school, they can be purchased with Teacher’s Choice funds.

What types of purchases are not permitted?
Teacher’s Choice will not reimburse purchases of furniture, fees for trips or performances, gifts for students, computer accessories for home use, power tools, appliances or equipment that requires special wiring or installation, among others.

When and how will members receive their Teacher’s Choice funds?
Members receive their Teacher’s Choice allotment as part of their regular paycheck, not as a supplemental check. This year, school-based nurses and occupational and physical therapists will receive Teacher’s Choice funds in their Nov. 22 paycheck and all other eligible titles will receive funds in their Nov. 29 paycheck. Since Teacher’s Choice is treated as a post-net payroll adjustment, the funds are nontaxable.

When is the DOE accountability form due? What type of receipts are accepted?
The accountability form with original and detailed receipts, including those for online purchases, is due by Jan. 17, 2025.

Will I forfeit my Teacher’s Choice payment if I do not submit receipts for my purchases?
If you receive Teacher’s Choice funds in your paycheck and do not submit an accountability form with receipts by the January deadline, the DOE will take back the money from a future paycheck.

Can I opt out of Teacher’s Choice?
If you do not wish to participate in Teacher’s Choice, you should submit a Request for Non-participation (opt-out) form to your school.

Are the items I purchased with Teacher’s Choice funds my own? Can I keep them if I resign or transfer schools?
Items purchased with Teacher’s Choice funds are the property of the DOE. These purchases must remain at your school for use in your classroom or office assignment; they cannot be taken to a different location if you transfer to a different school. However, software and supplies for personal or DOE-assigned computers may be used at home. Staff members who provide services at more than one location may bring purchased items to any site where they deliver services to students.

Am I able to team up with other staff members to pool funds to enable a larger purchase?
Yes, you can. If two or more program participants wish to pool all or any portion of their funds to purchase an item for a shared class or assignment, each must complete their own Teacher’s Choice accountability form. All participants should indicate one another’s names on their respective form and include the dollar amount contributed by each person toward the joint purchase. One participant will attach the original receipt(s) or invoice(s) to their completed form and the other(s) will attach photocopies of those receipts or invoices.

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