The UFT Welfare Fund has increased the dollar amount of its death benefit for UFT members who die while still working for the Department of Education or the city.
“I hope you never have to use the enhanced death benefit for in-service members, but if tragedy should strike, your family will be better protected,” said UFT President Michael Mulgrew in a Feb. 3 email announcing the enhancement.
All in-service members covered by the UFT Welfare Fund are eligible for a death benefit. This payment provides monetary support to a member’s beneficiaries in the event that the member dies while still in service.
Previously, the death benefit started at $30,000 for those under age 40 and gradually decreased to $1,600 for those age 70 and older.
Effective Feb. 1, the UFT Welfare Fund’s death benefit has increased to a flat payment of $50,000 regardless of age.
The union advises members to review their beneficiaries on record with the UFT Welfare Fund. It is important to keep those designations up to date after a marriage or divorce, the birth of a child or another life milestone. Use the UFT Welfare Fund’s online change of status form to update your beneficiaries.