If you haven’t noticed, the New York Teacher has undergone some changes this new school year.
Beginning with the first issue in September 2019, we updated the design. We are using a higher grade of paper and smaller paper size and stapling it, giving the publication a more magazine-like appearance.
We have expanded the Retired Teachers Chapter section as well as the section for newer teachers, now called Building Your Career. And we now have a full-page table of contents, helping readers find their favorite features quickly.
Before the New York Teacher arrives in your mailbox, we send members a digital edition they can read online.
Because we now share breaking news and important information about member rights and benefits via email, the website and social media, we reduced the number of New York Teacher issues this year from 11 to eight. Our state union newspaper, NYSUT United, which is published six times a year, and the New York Teacher are now being shipped separately.
Be assured, we continue to provide members with all of the news and information we always have. What has changed is how we deliver it.