
The UFT represents many different kinds of employees besides teachers, both in the school system and beyond. Department of Education employees participate in their local school-based chapters, but they are also part of union-wide “functional” chapters based on their titles. Our charter school, private sector and other members are also organized in functional chapters. Here you’ll find information specific to your job and your title under the heading for your functional chapter. It’s one more way to be involved in the union and a way to make sure the union is there for you.
DOE Chapters
- Administrative Education Officers & Analysts
- Adult Education
- Attendance Teachers
- Audiologists
- Deaf & Hard of Hearing Education Services
- Directors of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Programs
- Education Officers & Analysts
- Educational Vision Services
- Homebound
- Hospital Schools
- Lab Specialists
- Living for the Young Family (LYFE)
- Occupational & Physical Therapists
- Paraprofessionals
- Re-Start Program
- Retired Teachers
- School Chapter Leaders
- School Counselors
- School Nurses
- School Secretaries
- Sign Language Interpreters
- Social Workers & Psychologists
- Speech Improvement
- Supervisors of Nurses & Therapists
- Teachers Assigned
Private and Nonprofit Chapters
- ADAPT Community Network
- Birch Family Services
- Block Institute
- Consortium for Worker Education
- Family Child Care Providers
- Federation of Nurses/UFT
- Lincoln Center Education
- Little Red School House
- Lorge School