Advocates for Children of New York
Advocates for Children of New York works on behalf of children who are at greatest risk for school-based discrimination and/or academic failure due to poverty, disability, race, ethnicity, immigrant or English Language Learner status, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, or involvement in the foster care or juvenile justice systems.
Parent to Parent of New York State
Parent to Parent of NYS is where families of individuals with special needs and the professionals who serve them can meet and share information. Parent to Parent of NYS provides parents/caregivers the opportunity to connect one-to-one with a parent/caregiver of an individual with the same or similar disability or special health care need – someone who has “been there.” They help families locate the information and services they need and provide workshops on Understanding Medicaid Service Coordination, Record Keeping and Using a Health Care Notebook, and various other topics. Registrants to Parent to Parent’s email list receive periodic announcements about news and events of interest to families of individuals with special needs in their area.
A Parent’s Guide to Special Education Services for School Age Children
You know your child best. Your ideas, opinions and input are very important in mapping out the best possible education for him or her. Every child with a disability has the right to what is called a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). This Guide is designed to help you work with your child’s school staff to develop the most appropriate program to help your child succeed. (Visit the DOE's website to view this guide in other languages.)