At Your School

The best place to get informed and involved is your local school
The principal at your school is ultimately responsible for addressing any concerns you may have. But, in addition to working with your principal, there are other ways to gather information and amplify your voice as a parent:
Parent association or parent teacher association
Each school has a parent association or parent teacher association (PA/PTA). The role of the PA or PTA varies in different schools, but they generally serve to help parents get more involved in their children's education, to support and organize school events and and to fund-raise for the school.
For more information on PAs and PTAs, read the Chancellor's Regulation A-660 on the governance of PAs and PTAs. For information and resources that can help support your PA or PTA, visit PTAlink.
Visit the DOE's page on PAs and PTAs
School leadership team
The school leadership team, or SLT, works with the principal to develop a shared educational vision for each school. SLTs comprise administrators, teachers, parents and, in high schools, student representatives. The PA or PTA elects the parent representative on the SLT. The main responsibilities of the SLT include developing and enforcing the school's comprehensive educational plan, consulting on the school budget and ensuring that the budget is aligned to this plan.
Read about SLTs on the DOE website
School safety team or school safety committee
The PA or PTA president at every school should also be part of the school safety team or school safety committee. At the beginning of the year, the school safety team develops the school safety plan, which outlines everyday safety procedures and plans for emergencies. The school safety team should meet regularly to discuss school facilities, accommodations for students with special needs and mobility issues, medical training and supplies, and emergency procedures.
- Read Chancellor's Regulation A-414 on school safety plans and committees.
- See UFT resources about school safety.
School Wellness Council
Schools need diverse parent and caregiver voices in order to understand what the school community needs and to decide what programs and policies will help keep their community healthy. A School Wellness Council is a group of parents, students, school staff, and community members who work together with the school administration to promote a healthy school community. The council acts as an advisory team to the School Leadership Team. Ask your parent coordinator to see if your school already has a wellness council. If your school does not have a wellness council, speak to your principal, parent coordinator, health or physical education teacher, and let them know you are interested in starting one. Email for more information.