There are often questions about our Professional Activities/Administrative Duties — Article 6R — and speech teachers. You should choose “performing student assessment activities (triennial and reevaluations) and writing IEPs” during your professional activities. If this is not on your circular 6R menu, then ask for it to be included in the menu for next year.
All teachers should only have one assignment during this time. If you are given more than one assignment, then you should discuss this with your principal, chapter leader and speech supervisor. You are responsible for performing formal and informal assessments, doing annual reviews and the new standards of practice. You are also responsible for having your progress reports prior to the annual review and triennial. All of these professional activities take a great deal of time.
You should also inform your principal that you are the only professional who can provide speech assessments and progress reports for annual reviews, triennials and reevaluations. If the administration will not resolve the situation, you will need to file a grievance. Please contact the hotline if it is not resolved at the school level.
The bottom line is that you should only have one professional activity.