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Sharing her love for birds

Retiree Miriam Rakowski knows just how to brighten up the monotone greys and blacks of the winter months in New York City. Follow her to Central Park with a pair of binoculars and cheer up with sightings of bright red cardinals, majestic blue jays...


Mold is in the news. People are talking about its potential health and economic impact. But what are the real risks and issues?

3-5 Next Generation ELA Standards at a Glance

3-5 Reading Standards (Literary and Informational Text) Review the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade ELA introductions for information regarding: guidance and support, range of student reading experiences, text complexity, English language learners...

Collective Impact (Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2011)

Large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention of individual organizations. By John Kania & Mark Kramer

UFT on protecting school communities

UFT President Michael Mulgrew issued a statement about how the COVID-19 test positivity rate should be used when determining whether or not to close school buildings.

How toxic is toxic?

Chemicals may cause harm in many different ways. They may be flammable, explosive, radioactive, corrosive, etc. All chemicals are toxic at some level.

Food waste and pollution

Every day, hundreds of thousands of plastic-wrapped breakfasts are given out to New York City schoolchildren, many of whom eat breakfast at home. Teachers say, “You don’t have to eat it but take it anyway.” At the end of breakfast time, teachers tie...

Resolution in opposition to a constitutional convention

The UFT stands in firm opposition to a constitutional convention and urges members to vote “no” when the question comes before them on the Nov. 7, 2017 ballot.

Zika Virus

Zika is a disease caused by Zika virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild...

Fighting to put patients before profits

UFT Vice President Anne Goldman writes that hospital administrators driven by profit over patient care too often do not follow the nurse-to-patient ratios needed to safely care for patients. The Federation of Nurses/UFT is committed to continuing to...