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Pension for regular subs and part-time adult ed teachers

All part-timers (and regular subs are considered part-timers) adult ed teachers who work fewer then 30 hours per week, and any other member who can't join the Teacher' Retirement System (TRS) have the option of joining the Board of Education...

Types of SBOs and sample ballots

The following are some examples of the SBO modifications that you and your colleagues can make to the collective-bargaining agreement or Department of Education regulations.

From the classroom to the campaign trail

After a spring awakening of walkouts and strikes, educators around the country are running for office in unprecedented numbers to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives and the lives of their students.

Testimony regarding NYC's preparation for coronavirus/COVID-19

UFT President Michael Mulgrew testified before the New York City Council Committees on Health and Hospitals regarding NYC's preparation for coronavirus/COVID-19.

Testimony regarding school-based education cuts

UFT President Michael Mulgrew testified before the New York City Council Education Committee regarding school-based education budget cuts for September 2022.

Updates about sick leave, time off, compensation and more for ADAPT members

The UFT has been in regular communication with ADAPT management about the issues our members say are important to navigating these challenging times. Here is some information the union can share with you as a result of these discussions and our...

Q&A from Aug. 4 Speech Chapter Meeting

Questions and answers from the Speech Chapter Meeting on Aug. 4, 2020.

Article Thirteen — Education Reform

A. School-Based Management/Shared Decision-Making (SBM/SDM) The Union and the Board agree that SBM/SDM is a process in which all members of the school community collaborate in identifying issues, defining goals, formulating policy and implementing...

Testimony regarding the examination of the distribution of Foundation Aid formula as it relates to pupil and district needs

UFT President Michael Mulgrew testified before the New York State Senate Committees on Education and Budget and Revenues regarding the examination of the distribution of Foundation Aid formula as it relates to pupil and district needs.

Article Twelve — Excessing and Layoff

A. Excessing Rules - Appointed Secretaries Before applying the Rules for involuntary excessing, the senior school secretary within license who volunteers will be excessed from the school to a vacancy within the same district or in the case of high...