New York TeacherFebruary 6, 2020

Latest News
UFT analysis finds exclusion is key to results of the most successful charter schools
Charter schools as a group enroll a significantly smaller percentage than the public schools of English language learners, special education students or those from the poorest families. A new UFT analysis of individual charter schools clearly shows that the schools most successful at excluding these kinds of students are the charters with the highest test scores.

AFT holds presidential forum
Seven leading Democratic candidates for president vied to show their support for public education and public school educators in a forum on Dec. 14 in Pittsburgh.

UFT working to get curriculum for all
UFT President Michael Mulgrew announced at the Delegate Assembly on Jan. 15 that the union is working to ensure that all New York City schools have curriculum aligned to the state’s Next Generation Learning Standards for math and English language arts.

Florida teachers march for better pay and support
Thousands of Florida teachers did not report to work on Jan. 13 in order to march in Tallahassee to protest decades of systematic attacks on public education, despite threats by the state education department against them and their union.

SCOTUS considers public aid to religious schools
The U.S. Supreme Court will be ruling on a high-profile case that could narrow the separation between church and state and open the door to more public aid for religious schools.
More in News Stories
Member Spotlight
Chapter Leader Shoutout

Kudos to Emily Blatt, University Neighborhood HS, Manhattan
Emily Blatt made increasing contributions to the Committee on Political Education (COPE), the UFT’s political action arm, her first priority when she became chapter leader at University Neighborhood HS in Manhattan in September 2018.
Around the UFT

Richards endorsed for Queens borough president
The delegates voted on Jan. 15 to endorse City Council Member Donovan Richards for Queens borough president in the special election on March 24.

Stand Up to Hate march
In a show of solidarity with New York’s Jewish community, a strong contingent of UFT members joined tens of thousands of other Stand Up to Hate marchers who gathered in Foley Square in lower Manhattan on Jan. 5 for the march across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Clinicians Appreciation Day
Ketisha Peters, a social worker at Thomas Jefferson HS in East New York, Brooklyn, plans to start an LGBTQ alliance in her school.

'Tolerance is not enough'
Speak Truth to Power, a collaboration between Discovery Education and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights supported by the union, illuminates students’ and teachers’ roles in fighting human rights abuses and offers educational experiences and online tools to help them.

Online community to assist chapter leaders
Chapter leaders across the city now have access to a new online community that gives them a place to share ideas with other chapter leaders in their district, find answers to their questions and collect data the union can use to improve education and working conditions.
You Should Know
Grants, Awards & Freebies

Grants, Awards & Freebies
See our list of current opportunities for educators to receive funds and recognition for their hard work and dedication.
Secure Your Future

Prior service worth money in your future
Were you employed by New York City or New York State before joining the Teachers' Retirement System or the Board of Education Retirement System?
Q&A on the Issues

Testing and promotion
With testing season fast approaching, it’s a good time to review the Department of Education’s current policies regarding testing accommodations, alternate assessments and modified promotion criteria for students with disabilities.
President's Perspective

Why the U.S. Census matters
We have a major challenge ahead of us this spring: Making sure every New Yorker is counted in this year’s U.S. Census.

Keys to successful collective bargaining
When the UFT negotiated its 2018 contract with the city Department of Education, it followed the strategy used by the Federation of Nurses/UFT, which I lead, because of our past success at the bargaining table.The workforce can have a voice, not only in hospitals or schools, but in contract negotiations as well.

Fund our Future
New York State continues to shortchange its students in high-needs schools. There’s no other way to read Gov. Cuomo’s Jan. 21 preliminary budget, which proposes an increase in Foundation Aid that falls far short of the $2.1 billion that the UFT, New York State United Teachers and other education advocates are calling for.
Teaching Resources
Learning Curve

How mindfulness ‘rewires the brain’
If you've ever been in a visible state of distress, chances are good someone has told you to take a deep breath. Why? Because breathing deeply activates a set of neurons in the brain that relaxes your body.
Linking to Learning

Using screencasts in the classroom
You may be familiar with screencasts as video tutorials on YouTube that describe how to use a piece of technology, but they’ve also caught on in the classroom.
Teacher to Teacher

Building discussion in your math classroom
When I became a middle school math teacher 12 years ago, one of the first things I noticed was how chatty students can be. So I was surprised when, after I asked my students to discuss a math problem, strategy or solution with their group members, the room would suddenly get quieter.
Building Your Career
Inside My Classroom

A flexible seating environment for high school students
"Last year, I decided I wanted to create a classroom space that was as unique as my students, a place where they would feel comfortable and want to come to class (that’s half the battle in high school, after all!). With my students’ wants and needs in mind, I created a flexible seating environment..."
New Teacher Articles

Preparing for your tenure decision
Gaining tenure is an important milestone for new teachers. Having tenure means you can’t be terminated without due process and you’re entitled to a hearing if the Department of Education takes disciplinary action that could lead to termination.
New Teacher Profiles

Catering to her students
Victoria Love was the executive pastry chef at The Water Club, a world-renowned Manhattan restaurant. Now, she bakes delicacies like maple apple pandowdy and tropical coconut cheesecake with her special needs students at Manhattan School for Career Development.
Retired Teachers News

Special call center handles retiree needs
When it comes to retirees and meeting their needs, the UFT doesn't let any grass grow under its feet.
Each day, hundreds of the Retired Teachers Chapter's nearly 70,000 members call the union with questions related to their retirement. To field all those calls more efficiently, the union has built a special retiree call center where special operators direct calls to the 10 retiree pension consultants and 12 retiree health consultants who staff the phones Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The call center number is 212-331-6314.
The 17th floor of union headquarters, the busiest floor in the union's 19-floor headquarters, is solely devoted to retiree issues, and the call center is the latest innovation.
"When we see what retirees need, we see what we can do to meet those needs," said Debra Penny, one of three UFT trustees on the board of the Teachers' Retirement System. …

Keeping up to date
Here's a new word as defined by Merriam Webster:
Listicle — noun: an article consisting of a series of items presented as a list.

Sharing her love for birds
Retiree Miriam Rakowski knows just how to brighten up the monotone greys and blacks of the winter months in New York City. Follow her to Central Park with a pair of binoculars and cheer up with sightings of bright red cardinals, majestic blue jays, red-tailed hawks, snowy owls and scores of other species.